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In Memoriam Submissions

The PSC officers, members and staff offer our deepest condolences to the family, colleagues and students of those we have lost. We are collecting the names of the PSC members who have died during the coronavirus pandemic in order to memorialize them. If you are the relative of a deceased PSC member, please tell us about them here.

The union will list the names of deceased members of the PSC bargaining unit on the public In Memoriam page when their names have been announced by a CUNY college administration, published by a news outlet, or when the immediate family of the PSC member has given permission via this web form. The names on the In Memoriam list may also be shared with PSC affiliates that are honoring deceased union members, such as NYSUT, AFT and the NYC Central Labor Council.

If you are a PSC member and know of a colleague whose death has been announced publicly but is not listed on the In Memoriam page, please fill out the form and submit a link to the public announcement. (You may also forward an emailed announcement to Tiffany Brown at [email protected].) If you’ve lost a colleague whose death has not been made public and you believe their survivors would like the PSC to commemorate them, please share the submissions web form link with their immediate family. If you do not know the names and/or contact information of a deceased CUNY colleague’s immediate family, please send their name, college, department/office to Tiffany Brown at [email protected].

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