This is a list of the PSC members who have died during the coronavirus pandemic. The PSC officers, members and staff offer our deepest condolences to their family, colleagues and students.
Moshe Augenstein, 72, Professor, Computer & Information Sciences, Brooklyn College
Dr. Joseph Bertorelli, Queensborough Community College
Mark Blum, 69, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Brooklyn College
Samuel Borestein, 84, PSC Retiree
Thomas Burgess, 70, Adjunct Lecturer, Borough Manhattan Community College
Peter Brancazio, 81, Professor, Brooklyn College
Joseph Brostek, 87 Coordinator of Commencement Planning, Queens College
Marilyn Chernin, Counselor, Counseling Center, Kingsborough Community College
Ella Chiu, Office Assistant, Office of the Registrar, Hunter College
Rashmi Christian, 47 Higher Education Associate, York College
Paul Cline, Assistant Professor, Business & Economics, York College
Marianne Cooper, 82, Professor of Emeritus Queens College
Anita Crumpton, College Assistant, Graduate Center
Richard Currie, 78, Professor, College of Staten Island
Jaime De La Hoz, Office Assistant, Bursar, Bronx Community College
Asberth Dasilva, 59, College Assistant/Tutor, CUE Learning Center, New York City College of Technology
Dr. William Tulio Divale, 78, Professor Emeritus, York College
Dr. David Ernst, 74, Professor Emeritus, York College
Dennis Fox, 63, Assistant Professor, Medgar Evers
William Gerdts, 91, Professor of Emeritus Grad Center, Brooklyn College
Georgianna Glose, Adjunct Associate Professor, Human Services, New York City College of Technology
James Harrison, 84, Professor, Music, Hunter College
William Helmreich, 74, Distinguished Professor, City College of New York
Donald Hoffman, 80, Adjunct Associate Professor, John Jay College
Babette Hollister, 87, Professor Emeritus, Queens College
Ray Hoobler, 78, Professor Emeritus, City College of New York, Graduate Center
Jay Jankelewicz, Non-teaching Adjunct, Brooklyn College
Perry Kalick, 89, Professor of Emeritus, Lehman College
Ralph Kopperman, 78, Professor Emeritus, City College of New York
James Luhan, Adjunct Lecturer, Natural Sciences, Hostos Community College
Juliet Manragh, 41, HE Associate, Brooklyn College
Leith P. Mullings, 75, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Graduate Center of CUNY
David Nocera, 63, Adjunct Instructor, City College of New York
Daniel Padovano-Gulack Manager, Bursar City College of New York
Melody Reed, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Communication Design, New York City College of Technology
Yves Roseus, Adjunct Assistant Professor, York College
Darlene H. Saulter, Adjunct Lab Technician, Biology, New York City College of Technology
Joel Shatzky, 76, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Kingsborough Community College English
Paul Shelden, 79, Professor Emeritus, Brooklyn College
Michael Sorkin, 71, Distinguished Professor, City College of New York
Ralph Steinberg, 73, Assistant Professor, York College
Lucien Szpiro, 78, Retired Distinguished Professor, Grad Center
Arif Talukdar, Assistant Director, Financial Aid, Bronx Community College
Aaron Tenenbaum, Professor, Computer & Information Sciences Brooklyn College
Leonard Trugman, Lecturer (Retired), Economics, City College of New York
Jose Tubilleja, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Queensborough Community College
Joseph Tusiani, 96, Professor of Emeritus, Lehman College
Carmen Valle, Professor, Spanish Language & Latin American Literature, New York City College of Technology
Tom Waters, 56, Graduate Center
Jean Weisman, 72, Retired HEO, City College Center for Worker Education
Jorge Zambrano, College Assistant, Library, Bronx Community College
If you know of other CUNY faculty or professional staff who have lost their lives to this terrible virus, please inform Tiffany Brown at so we can add their names to this list.