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HEO Rights and Benefits

The PSC membership recently approved a new contract, with effective dates from 2023 through 2027. We are working to update our website content to fully reflect the gains made in the new agreement as quickly as possible.

Summary of New Contract

New Memorandum of Agreement

2017-2023 Contract (pdf)

PSC HEO Handbook

Here is the HEO Handbook that reflects gains won in the most recent contract! You can easily follow links to relevant websites and documents. We hope you find it helpful.​.

Reclassification and Salary Differentials

Please read this material carefully and follow the instructions. You may also want to consult the Contract Summary for more information. We encourage you to self-evaluate and prepare as much as possible.

Instructions for Reclassification explains reclassification and guides members through the process. The application form for reclassification can be found on page two of the instructions document.

Instructions for Salary Assignment Differential specifies who is eligible to apply for the $2,500 salary assignment differential and explains the application process. Click here for the PSC representatives on the HEO Labor/Management Committee on your campus. Click here for the form to apply for the assignment differential.

aHEO differential – Holding an advanced degree related to your work assignment as an Assistant to HEO can provide a salary differential of $1,000 (for master’s) and $2,500 (for doctoral) every year.

HEO Labor-Management Committee

If you would like advice or assistance with preparing an application for the salary differential you may contact a member of your HEO labor management committee, listed here. 

Workplace Related

HEO Professional Development Fund: HEOs may apply for funding that supports the development of skills and resources necessary to the professional duties of an applicant’s position at CUNY. Up to $3,000 may be awarded per year as per article 33.5 of the PSC-CUNY contract. HEO-series employees are also eligible to apply for PSC-CUNY Research Awards.

HEO “Job Security” (13.3b) – Continuous appointment after 8 years

Workload Issues – The HEO Labor Management Committee will hear concerns from employees in the HEO series concerning workload and may make non-binding recommendations to the President. Download CUNY’s workload application form.

Overtime agreement – Assigned hours over 35 in a week must be compensated.

Phased retirement – Reduce your work schedule during the year or half-year just prior to retirement (work 80% of your schedule, receive 80% of your salary).

Family and Health Related

Paid Parental Leave – 8 weeks of paid leave after your child is born or adopted

Paid Family Leave – Receive up to 12 weeks a year of paid leave and protected time off to bond with a new child or care for a family member who is ill.

Transit Link – Reduce the taxes withheld from your paycheck by the amount of your commute. You can set aside up to $255 of your monthly pay for transit, reducing your earnings subject to tax.  To find out more about transit benefit and/or enroll, go to the appropriate link below:

Breast and prostate cancer screening and blood donation – 4 hours of leave annually to obtain screening. Time off to donate blood, up to 3 hours annually off-campus, or twice annually on campus

Rulisa Galloway-Perry, HEO Chapter Co-Chair
Janet Winter, HEO Chapter Co-Chair
Larry Bosket, Cross Campus Units Vice President

Campus HEO Advisors
Delegates and Alternate Delegates

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