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Home » Form » Tell us why you are marching on Sept. 21

Tell us why you are marching on Sept. 21

Sunday, September 21 thousands of people will gather for what’s billed by organizers as “the largest climate march in history.” The NYC march takes place as world leaders meet for a historic UN summit on climate change. The PSC, along with countless other unions, is organizing a contingent to go to the march.

For our upcoming Clarion, we’re looking for members who will share why they will march this September and why it’s important to march now.

You may be a parent, a scientist, an artist, a community activist who thinks that now is the time for more concrete action.

Some submissions will be included in the September issue of Clarion. Content may be edited for clarity and length.

(To find out more about the PSC organizing efforts around the march, click here. To RSVP to march with the PSC, go here.)

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