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March 26, 2012

This Week in the PSC (03.26.12): Part-Timers! The Tier IV Pension Enrollment Deadline is Sat., Mar 31

Part-Timers! The Tier IV Pension Enrollment Deadline is Sat., Mar 31 New York is instituting a new, inferior pension plan (Tier 6) that will apply to all CUNY employees, including adjuncts, who join Teachers Retirement System (TRS) on or after April 1. Teaching Adjuncts, Non-Teaching Adjuncts, and Adjunct CLTs have…

March 16, 2012

PSC President Barbara Bowen Responds to the Creation of Tier 6 Pensions

The passage of Tier 6 had everything to do with political ambition and an ideological agenda of protecting the rich; it had nothing to do with solving New York State’s immediate budget shortfall. It was a vote against the interests of whole generations of working people and the communities that…

March 6, 2012

This Week in the PSC (3.5.12): Thursday, March 8 Town Hall Meeting on Pathways

Thursday, March 8: Town Hall Meeting on Pathways Opposition to Pathways, CUNY’s top-down overhaul of general education, is growing across the University. It’s time to reset decision-making on curriculum change! Come to the PSC Town Hall Meeting on Pathways, on Thursday, March 8: hear updates on the union’s litigation, a…

February 29, 2012

This Week in the PSC (02.29.12): Thursday, March 8: Town Hall Meeting on Pathways

Thursday, March 8: Town Hall Meeting on Pathways: On March 8, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m., the PSC will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Pathways, CUNY’s controversial overhaul of general education “If you are one of the thousands of faculty and staff across CUNY who have struggled with Pathways…

February 23, 2012

This Week in the PSC (02.16.12): Townhall Meeting on Pathways

Opposing Pathways: Protecting Faculty Governance and the Quality of a CUNY Degree Save the date! PSC will hold a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, March 8 from 6:00-8:30pm on Pathways, CUNY’s controversial overhaul of general education and transfer requirements, which circumvents elected faculty input and dilutes academic standards. Hear from…

February 6, 2012

This Week in the PSC (02.06.12): Watch PSC Leaders and Others Testify in Albany

Watch PSC Leaders and Others Testify in Albany PSC President Barbara Bowen and PSC First Vice President Steven London testified at a state budget hearing last Wednesday alongside leaders from United University Professions and New York State United Teachers. The union leaders were heartened by the Governor’s plan to fund…

February 1, 2012

PSC's State Budget Testimony for Fiscal Year 2013

Video of the entire hearing is on the New York State Senate Website here. Here are the time stamps for CUNY-related testimony in hours and minutes: CUNY Chancellor Goldstein: 1:46 NYSUT Executive Vice President Andrew Pallotta:4:12 PSC President Barbara Bowen: 4:28 NYPIRG Chairperson Kathleen Jorden: 5:53 NY Students Rising, Jackie…

January 30, 2012

This Week in the PSC (01.30.12): President Bowen to Testify at State Budget Hearing

Watch Online: President Bowen to Testify at State Budget Hearing The Legislature’s day-long joint public hearing on funding for higher education in the Governor’s Executive Budget is this Wednesday from 9:30 AM to 5 PM. PSC President Barbara Bowen will testify at the hearing alongside leaders from United University Professions…

January 24, 2012

This Week in the PSC (01.24.12): Community colleges need investment ASAP

PSC to NYC Council: All students should have access to ASAP-like investment As a political battle heats up about the success of Mayor Bloomberg’s much-celebrated initiative to transform the public school system, critics have pointed out that fewer than one in four students who graduate from NYC schools are ready…

January 9, 2012

This Week in the PSC (01.09.12): Tax Loopholes Have Got to Go

Responding to the State of the State Governor Cuomo’s State of the State address focused on the economy and job creation. While highlighting SUNY’s role in State economic development, he made no mention of CUNY, the State’s greatest source of economic opportunity for low-income students, immigrants and people of color.…

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