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This Week in the PSC

Bargaining Update 9 | The Chancellor Must Stand for Free Speech

Nov 03, 2023

Bargaining Update #9

At the Oct. 26 bargaining session, with 35 members observing, the PSC presented critical demands related to educational technology & distance learning. CUNY management presented demands to expand the number of non-tenure track full-time positions and the duration of their appointments, to remove protections from contractual disciplinary procedures, and to convert the union’s professional development funds into training funds for university priorities. Read the full update.



Stand for Freedom of Speech and Assembly at CUNY


Cosign this PSC Letter to the Chancellor

PSC President James Davis wrote to the Chancellor last week urging him to affirm freedom of expression and freedom of assembly at CUNY. The letter is posted on the PSC website in petition form. Please add your name to the letter, which begins:

“We call on you to affirm the fundamental freedoms of expression and assembly at CUNY, rights which you have abridged since the horrific October 7 Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians and Israel’s ongoing bombing and mounting casualties in Gaza. Your failure to do so has sent a chilling message.”




Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY
Saturday, December 2, 1–3 PM


The Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY demonstration is in four weeks on Saturday, December 2nd at 1 PM. It will be the biggest mobilization of the PSC’s Fall contract and state budget campaigns. We’ll be there in numbers at the Governor’s Midtown office (map) to Sing Out for more state funding and will then march to CUNY Central, just a few blocks away, to Shout Out for the contract we deserve.

It’s a Saturday in early December because that is the best time to influence the Governor’s still-forming Executive Budget and so that more PSC members, family members and allies can attend. Please make a plan to come and let us know you’ll be there!

Come ready to sing out and to hear performers raise their voices for the university and the contract that we deserve. And also be ready to Shout Out, chanting and yelling to express the urgency of our demands.

A text graphic that Says Sing Out Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY. Behind the text is a megaphone with music coming out of it.




Five Boroughs in Five Weeks


Bronx Faculty and Staff:
Join Your Chapter’s
March on the Presidents, 11/9


Bronx petitions

Bronx Community College, Hostos Community College and Lehman College PSC chapters will march on their respective college presidents’ offices on Thursday, November 9 to deliver petitions demanding action on our contract and local issues. Faculty and staff of CUNY colleges in the Bronx can sign their campus petition and RSVP to attend the petition delivery actions here on the PSC website.

  • Bronx Community College Rally for Respect: Thurs, 11/9, 1-1:45 PM. Meet on the Quad Outside of Language Hall
  • Hostos Community College: Thurs, 11/9, 3:15 PM, Meet in the lobby of Building C. Rally starts at 3:30PM.
  • Lehman College: Thurs, 11/9, 4:40 PM. Meet Inside Gate 5


Brooklyn Chapters Demand ‘Treats, Not Tricks’
in the Next Contract and Full Funding of CUNY

Members in costume at Brooklyn Rally Nov 1


On Wednesday, November 1, PSC members and CUNY students gathered with local allies, including Councilmember Lincoln Restler, for a Halloween | Day of the Dead themed rally outside Brooklyn Borough Hall calling for a strong and just union contract and increased funding for the University. Photos and some video of the event, which was organized by the PSC chapters in Brooklyn, are posted here on the PSC website. More content is being shared on the PSC’s Instagram.



PSC Members Vote


Early voting in the general elections for New York City Council continues, with varying hours, until Sunday, November 5 (schedule and poll site finder at Election Day is Tuesday, November 7.

Click here for the list of PSC-endorsed City Council candidates.

There are also two statewide questions about amendments to the State Constitution on the ballot. The PSC, as an affiliate of the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), is supporting Ballot Proposal 1: Removal of Small City School Districts From Special Constitutional Debt Limitation. (Learn more from NYC Votes and more from NYSUT.) The union has no position on Ballot Proposal 2: Extending Sewage Project Debt Exclusion from Debt Limit.


List of PSC endorsed council candidates Fall 2023



Want to Observe Contract Negotiations?


The first step is to attend an Orientation to PSC-CUNY Bargaining.

All dues-paying PSC members are welcome to observe a bargaining session, space permitting, after completing an online Orientation to PSC-CUNY Bargaining. The next orientation is scheduled for Monday, November 6, 6:30-7:30 PM (register for the 11/6 Zoom).


Published: November 3, 2023 | Last Modified: November 8, 2023

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