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Home » Chapters » MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE CHAPTER MEETING NOVEMBER 28, 2018, 11.30AM in Room AB1-312


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MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2018, 11.30AM in Room AB1-312

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Clinton Crawford, Chair, PSC/ MEC who welcomed all in attendance, and the minutes of October 24, 2018 were read and approved as read.

Jacqueline Clark, Vice President, Finance, MEC was introduced, who shared the following information:

  • Security upgrade 90% completed with cameras now in the hallways.
  • Parking privileges will be taken away from those who use their ID to assist someone without an ID to enter the parking lot.
  • Faculty need to upgrade IDs before end of semester.
  • No turnstiles will be installed in the Bedford building before renovation of the building is completed.
  • A building decoration competition has been launched with the theme, presented by Lakisha Murray, President Crew’s Chief-of-Staff: Holidays around the world in December, celebrating our differences. Ms Murray also informed us that a raffle will be conducted and a token will handed to each person in attendance at the College’s Christmas party, Thursday, December 13, 5.30-8.30PM.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables will be available each Tuesday outside of the S Building at a cost of $15.00. Payments are to be made in the Bursar’s Office one week prior to pick up.

Faculty Senate Representatives present invited all faculty to become members of the Senate.

New Security Director: Nolan Briggs. Problems with electronic keys will again be taken to the Labor-Management meeting.

Present PSC Contract expires on November 31, 2018. The union is doing everything possible, including Poster Plaster on every campus, to ensure CUNY’s agreement to our contract demands. All were also asked to pack the room at the December 10, 2018 Board of Trustees meeting at Baruch College, 4.30PM.

Office Hours: Full-timers – a minimum of 2 contact hours weekly. Hours should be posted on office door. Adjuncts teaching 6 or more hours: 1 hour per week

PSC-MEC Christmas Party: December 12, 2018

New Member Card: Reminders given for all to sign the blue membership cards needed to enable voting in the next PSC elections.


Submitted by: Verna Green, Secretary

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