This Week in the PSC (01.27.21): New Stimulus For CUNY | NYS Budget Update | New Deal for CUNY Launch Feb. 5
PSC Leadership Continues to Press for Access to Vaccines When the priority categories for access to COVID vaccines were expanded last month to include “educators,” the PSC took the lead in pushing for inclusion of higher education faculty and staff working on campus in “phase 1B.” Together with the union’s…
This Week in the PSC (10.14.20): Mass Meeting for All PSC Members–Save the Date, Thurs., Oct. 29
Save the date for a mass online meeting for all members of the PSC: Thursday, October 29, 6:30-8:30 PM. PSC members have come together in the streets and online throughout the pandemic, and we have won some important battles to keep members safe. Now we need everyone. The biggest challenges…
This Week in the PSC (10.07.20): Help PSC Members Get Out the Vote | Pledge to Vote on the WFP Line
Help PSC Members Get Out The Vote PSC members are gathering on Zoom twice a week from now until Election Day to call AFT members in swing-states and urge them to vote Joe Biden for President. We’re also mobilizing union volunteers to help get out the vote for State Senator…
This Week in the PSC (09.11.20): Tell the Gov. to Tax the Ultra-Rich | March for Climate Justice Through Racial Justice
Now is the moment to increase the pressure for fair taxes! After months of organizing and advocacy by a coalition of unions including the PSC, Governor Cuomo has finally shifted his position on new taxes to raise revenue. For the first time, the governor has acknowledged that new taxes on…
This Week in the PSC (08.11.20): Fightback Thursday Vigil for Lives Lost and Those Threatened
Vigil for Lives Lost and Those Threatened, Thurs., Aug. 13, 3-4 PM Sign up to participate on Zoom or in person, Thurs., Aug. 13, 3-4 PM. PSC’s Fightback Thursday Committee is organizing a vigil with a simple but powerful message: "We have lost people, and CUNY has an obligation to…
This Week in the PSC (04.27.20): Opposing Cuts to CUNY | Help Observe Workers' Memorial Day Tomorrow
Tell Chairperson Thompson and Chancellor Matos Rodríguez that PSC Will Fight for Every Job at CUNY President Bowen has sent a video message to members opposing preemptive cuts to CUNY. The PSC will not stand by while budgets are cut without justification and without a fight. Watch the video then…
This Week in the PSC (03.10.20): COVID-19 | Budget Emergency Actions
Coronavirus Bargaining Demands The PSC has sent Chancellor Matos-Rodríguez a written request to negotiate in response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 and a preliminary list of Coronavirus Bargaining Demands. The Chancellor has responded in writing, but has not agreed to begin bargaining immediately. The PSC will keep members updated as the…
This Week in the PSC (03.02.20): Declaring a Budget Emergency at CUNY
Budget Emergency Day, March 12 Wear #RedforEd and Take Action The budget emergency at CUNY is sabotaging our students, our work, our health, our future. It's time we transferred the crisis to Albany by taking action together. Everyone can do something on March 12 to stop the starvation of CUNY.…
This Week in the PSC (02.19.20): Three ways every PSC member can join the fight for CUNY
Tell Albany to Stop Starving CUNY Send a letter to your legislators. The NYS budget will be finalized in six weeks. The PSC is pushing legislators to make CUNY a top priority in this year’s budget. Key legislators are responding, but we need to keep the pressure on. Send this…
This Week in the PSC (02.05.20): Demanding 232.6 Million Dollars for CUNY
CUNY Rally Against Lack of Funding and Tuition Hikes—Thurs., Feb. 6 Student groups are mobilizing for a CUNY Rally against Lack of Funding and Tuition Hikes tomorrow, Thursday, February 6 at Baruch College. PSC members and leaders will be there to show our support for the position. We need as…