This Week in the PSC (09.19.17): Another Attack on Our Health Care
Another Attack on Our Health Care Tell Washington to Reject the Graham-Cassidy Bill The Graham-Cassidy bill is being sold as a compromise—but it’s not. It’s just as bad as every form of Trumpcare that we’ve seen so far and, once again, favors the powerful over the vulnerable. This bill would…
This Week in the PSC (05.08.17) Deadline for One-Year and Three-Year Adjunct Appointment Notification: May 15
Pursuant to the contract and the 2010-17 MOA, notice must be provided on or before May 15 for both one-year and three year adjunct appointments. The contract requires that every appointment letter include the adjunct’s title and hourly rate of pay. Adjuncts are entitled to a one-year appointment if they…
This Week in the PSC (05.04.17): PSC Members Testify About Adjunct Faculty Pay
Dozens of PSC members testified in support of the PSC’s demand to increase the pay of adjunct faculty to $7,000 per course at the last CUNY Board of Trustees hearing. Written testimony submitted by some of the members who spoke at the hearing is posted here on the PSC website.…
This Week in the PSC (04.19.17): Pay Increases April 20
The final salary increase of 1.5% under the 2010-17 Memorandum of Agreement between PSC and CUNY will take effect on April 20, 2017. If you are a full-time employee at a senior college, you will receive the contractual increase of 1.5% in the bi-weekly paycheck dated 4/27/17. This paycheck is…
This Week in the PSC (04.03.17): PSC Election Ballots Mailed—Mon., Apr. 3
Fourteen PSC chapters will be electing officers this spring, along with delegates and alternates to the PSC Delegate Assembly and members of the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Advisory Council. Vote and make sure your voice is heard. Ballots were mailed to members’ home addresses on April 3, 2017. Ballots in uncontested…
This Week in the PSC (03.27.17): Student-Led “March in March” to #SaveCUNY—Wed., Mar. 29, 4 PM
Student-Led “March in March” to #SaveCUNY—Wed., Mar. 29, 4 PM CUNY students, led by the New York City College of Technology Student Government Association, will march across the Brooklyn Bridge this Wednesday, March 29 at 4 PM to demand State investment in their university and to oppose tuition hikes. They’re…
This Week in the PSC (03.22.17): Contact Your State Legislators Today Tell Them Investments in Affordability Must Include Investments in Quality
PSC President Barbara Bowen, First Vice President Mike Fabricant and Secretary Nivedita Majumdar are in Albany this week meeting with lawmakers about state support for CUNY and the PSC’s budget demands. The Hispanic Federation and other CUNY Rising Alliance members are also at the Capitol this week advocating for our…
This Week in the PSC (03.13.17): The PSC office will be closed tomorrow due to the weather. Please be safe.
PSC Radio Ad Urges New State Investment in CUNY President Barbara Bowen and Chika Onyejiukwa, a student at Hunter College and President of the CUNY University Student Senate, are both featured in this radio ad, which aired in Albany last week. The ad urges lawmakers to ensure that any plan…
This Week in the PSC (03.06.17): PSC Members Testify About Why CUNY Faculty Need More Time with Students and for Scholarship
Last Friday, President Bowen and 20 PSC members testified before the City Council in support of CUNY’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget request for $35 million to fund the Faculty Partnership for Student Success Initiative. The Initiative would allow a restructuring of the full-time faculty workload to enable more time with…
This Week in the PSC (02.22.17): Testify on the Need to Reduce Teaching Loads at CUNY
This Friday, March 3, is the City Council hearing on CUNY's proposed funding from the City. If achieving a reduced teaching load matters to you, you can be there to testify about why it is essential that funding for the reduction be included in the New York City budget. Send…