This Week in the PSC (04.06.16): State Budget Response and Analysis
State Budget Response and Analysis The State budget passed last week without a half-billion dollar shift in CUNY funding from the State to the City, but also without funding for PSC members’ back pay and without funding to offset the tuition freeze. In her message to members, President Bowen said…
This Week in the PSC (03.16.16): CUNY Writers Against Austerity
CUNY Writers Against Austerity A reading In Defense of CUNY More than fifty writers of poetry and fiction will take a stand against the continued fiscal starvation of CUNY this Sunday, March 20 from 4-7 p.m. at Cooper Union's Great Hall (7 East 7th Street). It will be the largest…
This Week in the PSC (03.08.16): #CUNYrising Rally, March and Meeting
#CUNYrising Rally, March and Meeting—Thurs., Mar. 10, 5 PM New Yorkers are mobilizing to defend their university. A coalition of 25 community, student, religious, and labor groups has been forming in response to the proposed cuts to CUNY, the planned tuition increase, and the failure to resolve CUNY contracts. The…
This Week in the PSC: (02.29.16) #CUNYRising Rally | Send a Letter to Albany
This Week in the PSC/PSC in the News: #CUNYRising Rally │Send a Letter to Albany In the News This morning, WNYC ran a segment focused on state disinvestment in CUNY and the PSC-CUNY contract. In it, both President Bowen and Chancellor Milliken emphasized the need for a contract that will…
This Week in the PSC (02.02.16): Why Impasse? Why Now?
PSC in the News Here is the newspaper and blog coverage of the Union’s response to CUNY’s Impasse Declaration: AFT News, The Chief (paywall), Kings County Politics, Metro, PoliticoNY, PoliticoNY (Pro), Staten Island Advance (front page), Times Union. Sharon Persinger, treasurer of the PSC, is a guest on this episode…
This Week in the PSC (02.02.16): Why Impasse? Why Now?
PSC in the News Here is the newspaper and blog coverage of the Union’s response to CUNY’s Impasse Declaration: AFT News, Kings County Politics, Metro, PoliticoNY, PoliticoNY (Pro), Staten Island Advance (front page), Times Union. Sharon Persinger, treasurer of the PSC, is a guest on this episode of “The Radical…
Previous Pause Next Hundreds More Rally Demanding Cuomo and Legislative Leaders Pass a State Budget that Invests in CUNY Students and Professors New York, March 24, 2016. —“C-U-N-Y Don’t let CUNY die!” was the chant today as 41 CUNY supporters locked arms and lay down blocking the doors…
President Barbara Bowen's Statement on CUNY’s Declaration of Impasse in the PSC-CUNY Contract Negotiations
January 26, 2016 “Having failed to make an economic offer to the union for five years, and having finally offered what amounts to a salary cut, The City University of New York has now claimed that contract negotiations are at an impasse. A declaration of impasse - if…