NY Daily News: The true crime in higher education: how we’ve abandoned public universities like CUNY
PSC Members Give Gov Cuomo A Wake Up Call before rallying at City Hall
Previous Pause Next Protesters at Double-Header Events Demand Contract Funding, Fair Raises and Equity Pay for Adjuncts New York, NY—Faculty and professional staff of the City University of New York escalated their fight for a fully funded union contract today with double-header rallies outside the Governor’s NYC office…
PSC Delivers State Budget Testimony
PSC To Legislators: Fully Fund CUNY, Fund Competitive Salaries and 7K for Adjuncts PSC officers were in Albany Monday, January 28 to testify before a joint hearing of the State Senate and Assembly finance committees on the Executive Budget for higher education. PSC President Barbara Bowen, in her…
Statement On the Veto of the Maintenance of Effort Bill
The Maintenance of Effort bill has been vetoed, despite having passed both houses of the Legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support. The bill won widespread support because it would have ensured that the state’s public universities, CUNY and SUNY, receive funding to cover mandatory costs such as rent and…
This Week in the PSC (12.06.18): Calling for Full Funding of CUNY, Enactment of Maintenance of Effort Legislation
PRESSING FOR THE CONTRACT WE NEED! CUNY Board of Trustees Meeting, Mon., Dec. 10 CUNY’s budget request still hasn’t been released—weeks after it’s usually made public. Will the budget address our contract demands for competitive salaries and $7K for adjuncts? The trustees need to know that we’re watching and ready…
This Week in the PSC (11.29.18): Get a Contract Now! Poster for Your Office Door or Workspace
Read the latest Contract Bargaining Update Get a Contract Now! Poster for Your Office Door or Workspace Do your part to help make our union’s contract demands even more visible on campus. Contact your chapter chair today to request one of 11 contract campaign posters to hang on your office…
This Week in the PSC (10.30.18): Telling the Board of Trustees to Aim Higher
Barbara Bowen to the Board of Trustees: “Aim Higher!” At a meeting of the CUNY Board of Trustees held last night at Baruch College, PSC President Barbara Bowen urged the Board to take a public stand against the State’s practice of refusing to fund the ongoing costs of labor contracts.…
This Week in the PSC (10.09.18): Press the Presidents Petitions
Press the Presidents for a Fully Funded Contract with Increased Salaries for All and 7K for Adjuncts Seven PSC chapters are collecting signatures using online local petitions urging the presidents of their colleges to publicly support fair adjunct faculty pay of $7000 per course and increased salaries for all CUNY…