“Stand against Budget Cuts and Course Size Increases” Rally and Community Assembly
"Stand against Budget Cuts and Course Size Increases" Rally and Community Assembly Thursday, April 4 11:00 am - 12 Noon 1st Floor, NVC In March 2024, the Baruch administration announced that it would be cutting a significant number of sections taught by adjuncts in Weissman Departments, including in two…
Queens Chapter Meeting
Queens Chapter Meeting Wednesday, April 3, 12:15 - 1:30 PM Powdermaker 132 and Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qfuCppzwpHNwIidODFQBXNQp2Scsgi0ON#/registration Greg Douros from PSC Contract Enforcement will give a brief presentation about pensions followed by Q&A. Bring a paystub if you have one!
Chapter Chair Meeting
Chapter Chairs Meeting Tuesday, April 2, 2023 at 6:30 PM Chapter chairs generally meet once a month (or every four weeks). Meetings are currently in person with a start time of 6:30 pm. Meetings for the spring 2024 semester are on January 30, March 5, April 2 and May…
Retiree Chapter Meeting
April Chapter Meeting – Monday, April 1, 1 pm Living and Care Arrangements for Seniors As we age, our living and care arrangements may change. What should we know? Fellow retiree Jim Cohen will speak about: Independent living, assisted living; private, public, non-profit ownership/regulation; costs; sources of financing; and resources…
Board of Trustees Brooklyn Borough Hearing & Pre-Hearing SpeakOut
How to Testify Persons wishing to testify are required to notify the CUNY Office of the Secretary via email at [email protected] prior to noon on Friday, March 29. Include your name and your campus/worksite. Copy PSC Communications Director Fran Clark at [email protected] when you email the CUNY Secretary, so we…
City Tech Chapter Meeting
City Tech Chapter Meeting Thursday, March 28, 2024, 12:45-2:15 Namm 1003, with zoom link on request, [email protected]
Contract Bargaining Session
For the latest news, read the bargaining updates. Sign up to observe a session.
Contract Bargaining Session
For the latest news, read the bargaining updates. Sign up to observe a session.
Delegate Assembly Meeting
The Delegate Assembly (“the DA”) is the union’s central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. The DA is comprised of representatives from each of the chapters plus the 27 General Officers of the union who comprise its Executive Council. Meetings for the spring…
BMCC Chapter Meeting
Wednesday, March 20, 2 – 3:30 pm Faculty Staff Cafeteria, 3rd floor of the main building Adjunct and Full-time Faculty, HEOs and CLTs, all union members are welcome