Board of Trustees
Brooklyn Borough Hearing & Pre-Hearing SpeakOut
3:30 Demonstration | 4:30 Hearing
PSC members are mobilizing to testify about management’s attack on adjunct job security and their proposed amendments to the CUNY Bylaws at the Brooklyn Borough Hearing of the CUNY Board of Trustees on Monday, April 1.
- The bosses want to more than double the time it takes for teaching adjuncts to qualify for any job security (to 12 years!), reduce the appointments from three years to two, and diminish the protection offered within those two years.
- The draft amendments to the CUNY Bylaws shared with governance bodies in early March would further corporatize administration of the colleges, diminish the role of the faculty, especially department chairs, and expand the role of upper administration.
- Read about the union’s response here in the latest edition of Clarion
- Draft: The Duties of the Department Chairperson
- Draft: Inclusion of the Role of the Senior and Comprehensive Colleges’ Academic (School) Dean in the CUNY Bylaws and the University’s Manual of General Policy
- Draft: Differentiation of the President’s Role from the Provost’s
- Draft: Inclusion of the Role of the Provost in the University’s Bylaws and Update of the Role of the President to Recognize the Provost’s Role in the Manual of General Policy

Register by email before 12 noon Friday, March 29
How to Testify
Persons wishing to testify are required to notify the CUNY Office of the Secretary via email at [email protected]. Include your name and your campus/worksite.
How to Testify
Persons wishing to testify are required to notify the CUNY Office of the Secretary via email at [email protected] prior to noon on Friday, March 29. Include your name and your campus/worksite. Copy PSC Communications Director Fran Clark at [email protected] when you email the CUNY Secretary, so we know that you will be there. Testimony is limited to three minutes. You do not have to pre-register with CUNY if you plan to attend the demonstration and observe the testimony, but not testify, but please fill out the RSVP below to let us know you’ll be there in support. Here’s the official notice.
The in-person hearing will start at 4:30PM and will be held in The Theater at City Tech, 275 Jay Street (map). We’ll be gathering in front of the Theater at 3:30 PM for a brief demonstration and to collect short videos from members who plan to testify.
RSVP for the Pre-Hearing SpeakOut & to Observe the Hearing
Please fill out the RSVP below to let us know you’ll be there at the pre-hearing rally and will observe the hearing to show solidarity and support for our colleagues who testify.
Published: March 18, 2024 | Last Modified: March 25, 2024