Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Council (“the EC”), the union’s 27-member leadership group, is responsible for making policy recommendations to the DA. The EC includes the four principal officers listed above and the 23 people listed here. They are elected directly by the entire membership or the constituency they represent and have overall…
Retiree Chapter Meeting
The December chapter meeiing will be in two parts: PART ONE: Presentation and discussion on how the Espionage Act weaponizes attacks on free speech by the authors of A Century of Repression: The Espionage Act and Freedom of the Press. Ralph Engelman is senior professor emeritus of journalism and communication studies…
PSC Graduate Center Chapter Meeting
Colleagues, The PSC Graduate Center is having a chapter meeting on Dec. 2 over Zoom, at 3 PM. It is open to all. We'll be talking about the upcoming contract effort, members' concerns, and how to get more involved with the union. As you know, we are set to begin…
Chapter Chairs Meeting
Chapter chairs generally meet once a month (or every four weeks). Meetings are currently by Zoom with a start time of 6:30 pm. Chairs should check their email for a Zoom link. Meetings for the fall 2022 semester are on 8/30, 10/6, 11/1 and 11/29.
Baruch PSC-CUNY Chapter Meeting
Baruch PSC-CUNY Chapter Meeting November 29, 12:30-2pm Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtd-2uqTkuEt2S0F7kAt_mxqPclI-psNK5 Hi folks, Hope your semester is moving along tolerably. I’m writing to invite you to the second Baruch PSC Chapter Meeting of the Fall 2022 semester. The meeting will be Tuesday, November 29, at 12:30 pm and will be held…
Environmental Justice Working Group
Environmental Justice Working Group Tuesday, Nov. 22, 5:30-7:00 pm (re-scheduled from 11/15) For more information, see the committee webpage Environmental Justice Committee