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Home » Contract » Article 11: Classification of Titles

Article 11: Classification of Titles

11.1 The title Lecturer shall be a tenure‑bearing (certificate of continuous employment) title used for full‑time members of the faculty who are hired to teach and perform related faculty functions, but do not have a research commitment. A certificate of continuous employment shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of Article 12. Persons appointed to this rank shall be entitled to all faculty retirement and other fringe benefits and shall be scheduled in accordance with the provisions of Article 14. In the Schools of General Studies, Lecturers who are employed primarily to perform professional library functions shall not be required to perform guard duty or maintenance duties.

11.2 Graduate Assistant:

This category was designed to provide support for full‑time CUNY students to enable them to complete their graduate degrees in a reasonable time while receiving financial support and gaining teaching experience. This title designates a student who is the equivalent of a graduate assistant at other universities and who is receiving graduate student financial aid similar to the undergraduate work study financial aid plan.

First priority shall be given to graduate students in The City University for such graduate fellowships.

No persons shall be appointed to the title Graduate Assistant more than five years consecutively except when special permission is requested by the executive officer of the doctoral program in which the student is enrolled and the Chairperson of the department in which he or she is employed. In no instance shall such extensions be granted for more than two additional appointments. Appointments may be for less than one year.

(a) The employment, retention, evaluation or assignment of persons employed in the title Graduate Assistant, to the extent that it is based upon their status, progress and evaluation as graduate students, shall not be subject to the grievance procedure established in this contract.

(b) A joint committee of the PSC and the University shall be established to develop a University‑wide formula for the employment and distribution of Graduate Assistants in the University based on proposals submitted by the faculty of the Graduate Division.

(c) Starting January 1, 2020, the University will make available up to $700,000 in incremental amounts to enable doctoral students in their first five years of enrollment in a Ph.D. program who were not previously enrolled in the New York State Health Insurance Program (NYSHIP) and who have been admitted to a Ph.D. program on a tuition-only basis to receive health insurance through the New York State Health Insurance Program to the extent that such students are appointed to titles within the PSC bargaining unit and meet the eligibility requirements for New York State Health Insurance Program coverage. A labor management committee will be established no later than December 1, 2019, to discuss implementation of expanded access to the New York State Health Insurance Program for graduate employees. 4

11.3 The regular full‑time academic title shall be used for those members of the full‑time Instructional Staff of a College within the City University who assume teaching or related assignments in a University session which are in addition to normal full‑time assignments. The extent of such additional assignments shall be limited by the multiple position regulations of the Board.

11.4 The titles of Adjunct College Laboratory Technician, Adjunct Lecturer, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor or Adjunct Professor shall be used for people who are not full‑time members of The City University of New York faculty and who teach part‑time or who have other part‑time assignments in the University. The assignment of title shall depend on meeting the relevant qualifications as stipulated by the Bylaws of the Board.

11.5 Hunter College Campus Schools

A teacher at the Hunter College Campus Schools who has achieved a Master’s degree prior to appointment or during service as a substitute at the Campus Schools will receive service credit toward tenure for service rendered subsequent to the attainment of the Master’s degree as a substitute in the area in which the Master’s degree is held when he or she is appointed on a permanent line, on the following basis: One year of service credit for one full year of service; two years of service credit for two full years of service; three years of service credit for three or more full years of service.

11.6 University Professor

(a) Appointment to the title University Professor shall not confer, nor shall time served in such title be credited as service toward the achievement of tenure in such position or any other position on the instructional staff. Appointment to such position or removal therefrom shall not deprive the person so appointed or removed of tenure in the highest position held with tenure prior to his/her appointment to such position or conjointly with such office.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6.4b of the bylaws, the term of appointment shall be for a period to be determined by the Chancellor, which may not exceed five years. Upon recommendation of the Chancellor, such person shall be eligible for one reappointment.

(c) Compensation for employees in this title shall be the same as that for Distinguished Professors.

11.7 Distinguished Lecturer and Clinical Professor

(a) Distinguished Lecturer

Appointment to the title Distinguished Lecturer is in accordance with the following principles:

  • The Distinguished Lecturer title is a full-time, non-tenure-bearing faculty title.
  • An individual in the title of Distinguished Lecturer is eligible for annual reappointment, but may not serve in the title for more than a total of seven years, except that Distinguished Lecturers on payroll as of May 1, 2016 are eligible for up to fifteen (15) additional annual appointments.
  • Individuals who reach the seven-year limit during the term of the 2007-2010 collective bargaining agreement, or prior to the conclusion of negotiations for a successor to the 2007-2010 agreement may be reappointed at the discretion of the college through the end of the academic year during which a successor to the 2007-2010 agreement is concluded.
  • The salary range for the title will be from the minimum of the Lecturer schedule to the seven-year step on the Professor schedule.
  • The position will be primarily a teaching position, but it may include research.
  • The workload for Distinguished Lecturers will be the same as that of Professors in the college to which they are appointed.

(b) Clinical Professor

Effective with the start of the 2008-09 academic year, the University will establish a Clinical Professor title. Appointment to the title Clinical Professor is in accordance with the following principles:

  • The Clinical Professor title is a full-time, non-tenure-bearing faculty title.
  • An individual in the title of Clinical Professor is eligible for annual reappointment, but may not serve in the title for more than a total of seven years.
  • The salary range for the title will be from the minimum of the Lecturer schedule to the seven-year step on the Professor schedule.
  • The position will be a full-time faculty position, the responsibilities of which will include teaching (including, in some cases, clinical instruction) and may include research.
  • The workload for Clinical Professors will be the same as that of Professors in the college to which they are appointed.
  • Effective August 25, 2016, when a Clinical Professor is hired by the Medical School, the salary range shall be from the minimum of the Medical Lecturer range to the maximum of the Medical Professor (Clinical) range. With the exception of the applicable salary ranges, the other terms and conditions of employment of Clinical Professors, as provided in Article 11.7(b), shall apply to Clinical Professors in the Medical School.

(c) Prior to the start of the Fall 2016 semester, the total number of Distinguished Lecturers and Clinical Professors combined shall not exceed 125 at any time, University-wide. Effective with the start of the Fall 2016 semester, the total number of such positions combined shall not exceed 250 at any time, University-wide.

11.8 HEOs serving as Academic Advisors

On or after September 1, 1998, the University may appoint/assign employees in Higher Education Officer Series titles to serve as Academic Advisors. Academic Advisors assist students with academic rules and regulations and degree requirements. Specific duties may include:

  • Screen requests for exceptions to the college’s rules and practices;
  • Advise students regarding academic probation and related matters;
  • Assist students in the development of academic skills such as time management, note taking, test taking, study habits, etc.;
  • Provide assistance to specialized populations such as disabled students and veterans (e.g., accommodations for specific disabilities, special services that are available, etc.);
  • Advise students in career exploration;
  • Interact with the faculty, college advisory personnel and other administrative offices and academic departments;
  • Assist in college’s registration;
  • Monitor student’s progress in various credited and non-credited programs;
  • Refer students to tutorial and counseling assistance;
  • Coordinate tutoring activities and monitor student participation;
  • Inform students regarding procedures for course selection and declaration of majors;
  • Develop tutoring schedules;
  • Coordinate Peer sessions, with referral to counselors as necessary;
  • Train peer advisors and coordinate peer advisement;
  • Participate in workshops and provide technical assistance to facilitate the transition of international students into college;
  • Work closely with faculty and other student services personnel to facilitate educational planning and advisement for new and continuing students;
  • Assist in the planning and developing of Freshman Year Program, which includes Freshman and other orientation programs, academic advisement models, outreach and referral strategies;
  • Coordinate and conduct sessions on community and career information for students;
  • Assist in planning special activities/projects to meet college, program, staff and student needs;
  • Provide advisement regarding academic requirements, career opportunities,and scholarship information;
  • Ensure the students are assigned to career department advisors when they complete certification requirements;
  • Help students with their interaction with other college offices/services;
  • Maintain and update student records; and
  • Keep record of the numbers of the eligible and continuing credit students.

11.9 HEO Counselors

On or after July 1, 2006, employees in Higher Education Officer Series titles may be appointed or assigned as counselors. Employees in the Higher Education Officer series appointed or assigned as counselors may perform all of the functions currently performed by faculty serving as counselors, except for teaching academic courses in other academic departments and for performing the unique roles that faculty play in the governance of the University (e.g., service on departmental personnel and budget committees) unless the college Governance Plan provides for such participation. It is understood that employees in Higher Education Officer Series titles who are appointed or assigned as counselors shall not be required to have a research commitment.

Colleges may continue to appoint or assign faculty as counselors.

4 See Appendix L.

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