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PSC-CUNY Research Award: Time to apply


If you’re considering applying for a PSC-CUNY Research Award, it’s time to prepare your application. The application deadline for the next round of PSC-CUNY grants is January 15, 2012, at 5:00 pm. All applications must be submitted electronically via the CUNY Research Foundation website. (See The project description for most awards will be limited to three pages.


Established for more than four decades through the union contract, the PSC-CUNY Research Awards have helped thousands of faculty members develop original research projects. Last year, the PSC and CUNY management initiated a three-year pilot program that modified the awards in several significant ways. (See and

Under the new guidelines, applications must be submitted for one of three categories of awards:

● “Traditional A” Awards, of up to $3,500;

● “Traditional B” Awards, of more than $3,500 and up to $6,000;

● Enhanced Awards, of more than $6,000 and up to $12,000.

The largest number of grants will be “Traditional A” Awards, with panels charged to fund all the meritorious Traditional A applications and then Traditional B applications using remaining funds. The Enhanced Awards of up to $12,000 require a more extensive project description and budget justification. There will be no more than 40 Enhanced Awards.


Applications that include released time must be for at least $3,990, and thus should be made as a part of a proposal for the Traditional B or Enhanced Awards. Tenured faculty may not receive more than two awards during a three-year period, and only one of these may be an Enhanced Award.

Go online for further details as well information on the online application process.

As established in Article 25 of the union contract, funds for PSC-CUNY Research Awards are available to full-time members of the instructional staff represented by the PSC, and untenured faculty in particular. Part-time faculty and professional staff should note that the PSC has negotiated additional professional development funds for which they can apply. Information and applications for the HEO/CLT Professional Development Fund and the Adjunct-CET Professional Development Fund are on the PSC website, at

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