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December 2011

December 2011

This semester CUNY faculty and staff, both full-time and part-time, pressed the University to maintain health insurance for eligible adjuncts.

At about 2:30 am on November 15, the People’s Library was destroyed by the NYPD, acting on the authority of Mayor Michael Bloomberg. With no advance notice, an army of police in riot gear raided the park, seized everything in it and threw it all into garbage trucks and dumpsters.

A student demonstration against increased tuition was met with force by CUNY security officers on November 21, sparking larger protests the following week. Baruch President Mitchel Wallerstein later said that he regretted the decision to use force.

On December 8, New York’s Legislature gave its approval to a package of changes in the state’s income tax structure that will bring in an additional $1.55 billion in revenue but leave a projected budget gap of $2 billion. Advocates for tax justice say it’s a small step in the right direction.

This semester CUNY faculty and staff, both full-time and part-time, pressed the University to maintain health insurance for eligible adjuncts.

At about 2:30 am on November 15, the People’s Library was destroyed by the NYPD, acting on the authority of Mayor Michael Bloomberg. With no advance notice, an army of police in riot gear raided the park, seized everything in it and threw it all into garbage trucks and dumpsters.

A student demonstration against increased tuition was met with force by CUNY security officers on November 21, sparking larger protests the following week. Baruch President Mitchel Wallerstein later said that he regretted the decision to use force.

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