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Baruch College

Name: Stuart Davis
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Evan Gill Smith
Title: Vice Chair

Name: Stan Wine
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]

Name: Debra Caplan
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Rico Doan
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Sign the Baruch Hybrid Work Petition

Borough of Manhattan Community College

Name: Kathleen Offenholley
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 917-676-9865

Name: Anthony J. Creaco
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Andrew Smallwood
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]

Name: Robin Isserles
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 201-306-3196

Name: Moses Merisier
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Bronx Community College

Name: Peter Kolozi
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Alex Wolf
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Kerry Ojakian
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]

Name: Tokunbo Adeshina
Title: Officer At-Large

Name: Maria Treglia
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Jorge Guzman
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Bronx Educational (BXOC)

Name: Maria Treglia
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Rico Doan
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Brooklyn College

Name: Joseph Entin
Title: Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Mobina Hashmi
Title: Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Yana Kuchirko
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (718) 704-9574

Name: Tim Shortell
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Thandi Farley
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Brooklyn Educational (BEOC)

Name: Zakia Dunson
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718-802-3328

Name: Narendra Singh Saini
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]

Name: Kerin Coughlin
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]/a>,

Name: Rico Doan
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

City College, including Medical School

Name: Nancy M Cardwell
Title: C0-Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Pamela Stemberg, English NAC 6/216B
Title: Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 914-565-1774

Name: Joseph Davis
Title: Secretary

Name: Carla Cappetti
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email:[email protected]
Phone: (212) 650-6687

Name: Marwa Atef Mohamed Amer
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Chapter Webpage

College Laboratory Technicians

Name: Jeanette Batiz (BxCC)
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]

Title: Vice Chair

Greg Douros, Contract Staff
Title: Grievance Officer
Email: [email protected]

Name: Rico Doan
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Chapter Webpage

College of Staten Island

Name: Jason Bishop
Title: Chair
[email protected]

Name: Christina Hagedorn
Title: Vice Chair
[email protected]
Phone: (718) 982-3681

Name: Jonathan Cope
Title: Secretary
[email protected]
Phone: (718) 982-3804

Name: George Sanchez
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Moses Merisier
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

CUNY Central Office

The Central Office Chapter consists entirely of HEOs who do not work on a particular campus, which means that they are not part of the Cross-Campus HEO chapter.

Name: Lucy Scalici-McIntyre
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 917-838-8013

Name: Mitchell Manning, Contract Staff
Title: Full-time Faculty Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (212) 354-1252

Name: Marwa Atef Mohamed Amer
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Graduate Center, including Schools of Labor & Urban Studies, Journalism, Professional Studies, Public Health, ASRC and Macauley Honors

Name: Sofya Aptekar
Title: Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Evan Rothman
Title: Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Alycia Sellie
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]

Name: Samina Shahidi
Title: Welfare Fund Advisory Council

Name: Marwa Atef Mohamed Amer
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Chapter Webpage

Guttman Community College

Name: Kristina Baines
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 561-827-2097

Name: Douglas Medina
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 646-548-5075

Name: Nicholas J. Fortier
Title: Secretary

Name: Andrea Morrell
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Ava Farkas
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Higher Education Officers

HEOs at the campuses work together as one cross-campus HEO Chapter. HEOs in the Central Office are in a separate chapter, the CUNY Central Office Chapter. There are designated HEO Grievance Counselors and Advisors on the team of In-House Grievance Counselors, located at the PSC office, to address contractual issues. Contact a HEO Advisor for information regarding HEO Reclassification and HEO Differential applications.

Name: Rulisa Galloway-Perry (John Jay)
Title: Co-Chair
Email:[email protected]

Name: Janet Winter, (John Jay)
Title: Co-Chair
[email protected]

Name: John Gallagher (BMCC)
Title: Secretary
[email protected]

Name: Contact the PSC Central Office
Title: Grievance Counselor
Phone: 212-354-1252

Name: Brian Graf
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Hostos Community College

Name: Craig Bernardini
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718 518 6590

Name: Marcella Bencivenni
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Aaron Botwick
Title: Secretary

Name: Felipe Pimentel
Title: Grievance Counselor
[email protected]
Phone: (718) 518-6757

Name: Jorge Guzman
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Hunter Campus Schools

Name: Cristina Moore
Title: Chair
[email protected]
Phone: (646) 963-6286

Name: Carol Rial, Contract Staff
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Ava Farkas
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Hunter College

Name: Jennifer Gaboury
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Tanya Agathocleous
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Markus Bidell or Tanya Agathocleous
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Name: Ava Farkas
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Name: Elizabeth “Zabby” Hovey
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 646-872-0863

Name: Nivedita Majumdar
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Kenn Vance
Title: Secretary

Name: Simon Baatz
Title: Grievance Officer
Email: [email protected]

Name: Moses Merisier
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Kingsborough Community College

Name: Scott Cally
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (718) 368-5207

Name: Christopher Chapman
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (718) 368-4813

Name: Mary Dawson
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (718) 368-5502

Name: Rick Repetti
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718-368-5226

Name: Thandi Farley
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

LaGuardia Community College

Name: Laura Tanenbaum
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 917-710-7341

Name: Kristen Gallagher
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 917-673-4536

Name: Karen Miller
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (718) 482-6016

Name: Ian McDermott
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected].

Name: Sam Rasiotis
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Chapter Webpage

Lehman College

Name: Diane Auslander
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Renee (Hyungeong) Bell
Title: Vice Chair

Name: Vacant
Title: Secretary

Name: Ruby Phillips
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (917) 667-9413

Name: Jorge Guzman
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Chapter Webpage

Manhattan Educational (MEOC)

Name: Karen Berry
Title: Chair
[email protected]
Phone: 212-961-8922

Name: Samuel Paul
Title: Vice Chair
[email protected]
Phone: 212-866-1292

Name: Jacqueline Andrews
Title: Secretary
[email protected]
Phone: 212-961-2069

Name: Robin Isserles
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Rico Doan
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Medgar Evers College

Name: Maudry-Beverley Lashley
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 347-391-4897

Name: Fabienne Snowden
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]

Name: Keming Liu
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Thandi Farley
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]


Chapter Webpage

New York City College of Technology

Name: Carole Harris
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Megan Behrent
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 347-489-0401

Name: Megan Behrent
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 347-489-0401

Name: Thandi Farley
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]


Queens College, including Law School

Name: Karen Sullivan
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Erica Doran
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Elena Vesselinov
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]

Name: Soribel Genao
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]

Name: Sam Rasiotis
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Queens Educational (QEOC)
Name: Vacant
Title: Grievance Counselor
Name: Rico Doan
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]
Queensborough Community College

Name: Philip Pecorino
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718-281-5038

Name: Paul Marchese
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718-631-6690

Name: Michael Cesarano
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718-281-5371

Name: Lana Zinger
Title: Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718-281-5722

Name: Sam Rasiotis
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Research Foundation - Central Office

Name: Charles Chaung
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 908-912-4484

Name: Mitchell Manning, Contract Staff
Title: Full-time Faculty Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (212) 354-1252

Name: Brian Graf
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Research Foundation - Field Units

PSC represents Research Foundation field units on three CUNY campuses—New York City College of Technology, LaGuardia Community College, and the Graduate Center.

PSC-RF employees work on a wide variety of projects and grants, in areas such as adult literacy, workforce development, job placement, small business development and AI game theory, to name a few. They are doing tremendously important work that ranges from from improving the lives of the most underprivileged New Yorkers to cutting edge research.

Name: Mitchell Manning, Contract Staff
Title: Full-time Faculty Grievance Counselor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (212) 354-1252

Denyse Procope-Gregoire, Membership Services Director, [email protected]

Officers and Delegate Assembly

Antonica James, Delegate
[email protected]

Name:  Antonica James
Title:  Chair
Phone: 718 552 1130
Name: Brian Graf
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Name: Anne Friedman
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Diane Menna
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Bonnie Nelson
Title: Secretary
Email: [email protected]

Name: Ava Farkas
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

Chapter Webpage

York College

Name: Freya Pritchard
Title: Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Fabiola Salek
Title: Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]

Name: Linda Gerena
Title: Secretary

Title: Grievance Counselor

Name: Sam Rasiotis
Title: Organizer
Email: [email protected]

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CUNY's Microsoft email has a security block for mass mailings that has held up some of our emails. A few thousand members have already voted, and we will all have the chance to vote. AAA believes they have a workaround, and they will again send out the message to all eligible members who have not yet voted. The emails will begin to go out in batches tonight, Monday, December 23rd. It may take a while to land in your inbox, (spam, or junk mail.)