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Committee for Adjuncts and Part-Timers


Adjunct Successes in NYC: NYU, New School, Fordham (11-18-22)

Forum sponsored by the CAP Platform Committee and PSC Lehman Chapter

About CAP

The Committee for Adjuncts and Part-Timers is a committee of the Delegate Assembly intended to provide a central CUNY-wide organizing space for part-timers. There are monthly meetings where information is shared about union-wide organizing, work issues specific to part-timers, and more.

CAP is led by the Vice President of Part-Time Personnel.

PSC Legislative Committee

  • To attend a legislative committee meeting, email Tiffany Brown at [email protected]
  • New Deal for CUNY: this legislation would provide funding to make CUNY tuition-free for students, create pay parity for adjuncts, and would provide funds for capital improvements as well as more mental health counselors and academic advisors for students. To find out more and join the movement for a New Deal for CUNY, sign up here

PSC One-on-One Phonebanking Committee

The union is organizing a strike readiness campaign. Currently the bulk of this work involves phonebanking members to discuss issues they are facing at work and thus engage in organizing conversations. Contact your chapter chairs to find your campus-based Strike Readiness Committee.

PSC Delegate Assembly

The DA is open to all members but only elected delegates can vote. To get the meeting link, you can email Rosa Squillacote, your chapter chair, or join the CAP Facebook page where meeting links are regularly posted. The meetings start at 6:30pm and are on the following dates:


Important Information for Part-Timers

Important People To Know

Adjunct Advocate
For questions relating to issues other than non-reappointment, rescission of appointment, or investigative meetings, please contact Adjunct Advocate Marcia Newfield [email protected]

Adjunct Counselors
Meg Feeley
[email protected]

BCC/BxEOC, Central Office, CSI, HCC, GCC, KCC, MEC
Ruben Rangel
[email protected]

Carol Rial
[email protected]

Baruch, CCNY, QCC, GC
Stan Wine
[email protected]

Information from special CAP meetings

Part-timer Rights and Benefits

Part-timer Salary Schedules

  • Click HERE for a page with links to all salary schedules. It includes links to Adjunct, Graduate Assistant, CET, CLIP and CUNY Start schedules, but also other categories that include pat-time rates (e.g. CLTs, EOCS, etc.). It also includes important information on how part-timer salary increases work in the present 2017-2023 contract.

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