CLT General Membership Meeting (Wednesday, March 24, 2021)
The PSC Health and Safety Watchdogs Committee is developing a set of standards regarding CUNY’s continued reopening. Please come and join us to discuss health and safety lab standards as it pertains to your workload.
Survey: Reoccupancy Concerns (Spring 2021)
Help the PSC to better understand the current working conditions of CLTs as it pertains to on-campus work. Link to survey:
CLT General Membership Meeting (Tuesday, December 15, 2020)
CUNY in Crisis: What Can History Teach Us Today?
Guest Speakers:
- Irwin Yellowitz, Professor Emeritus at City College; Labor Historian
- Bill Friedheim, PSC Retirees Chapter Chair
- Albert Sherman, Retired Chief CLT at City Tech; Former CLT Chapter Chair
CLT General Membership Meeting (Wednesday, September 23, 2020)
- During the meeting, (1) PSC Organizer Brian Graf will share the PSC Checklists as it relates to campus reopening plans; (2) we will meet our new CLT Grievance Counselor Greg Douros who will talk about your rights as we have been hit hard by budget cuts and impacted by changes in workload and reassignment of duties; and (3) one-time CLT Chapter Acting Chair & Grievance Counselor Amy Jeu will share an “Equality for CLTs Resolution” for adoption by our CLT Chapter.
- Agenda and handouts: download here
CLT Meeting on Accommodations (Monday, August 24, 2020)
- This meeting will focus on accommodations to include, ADA, FMLA, FFCRA, special child care leave, and parental leave.
- Considering Taking a Leave This Fall?
CLT Chapter Meeting (Monday, August 10, 2020)
- Informal meeting to relax, debrief and unwind with fellow CLTs before the mad rush of the Fall semester begins.
PSC Cross Campus Units Meeting, Training & Phone Banking* (Wednesday, July 29, 2020)
- Hosted by PSC Vice President for Cross Campus Units Iris DeLutro.
*Note: Cross Campus Units covers employees working as or in College Laboratory Technicians (CLT), Education Opportunity Centers (EOC), Higher Education Officers (HEO), Hunter Campus School, and Research Foundation.
CLT Meeting on CLT Chapter Special Elections and CUNY Guidelines for Safe Campus Reopening (Monday, July 27, 2020)
- Guest Speaker: Ms. Naomi Zauderer, Interim Executive Director, PSC, will discuss our union structure, announce the calendar of dates for the special elections, and explain the various positions (roles and responsibilities); additionally, share about the PSC Next Generation Leadership Training Program and how to enroll.
Own Your Annual Leave Day Zoom Prep (Wednesday, July 22, 2020)
- Hosted by PSC President Barbara Bowen and PSC First Vice President Andrea Vasquez.
Adjunct CLT General Membership Meeting (Tuesday, July 14, 2020)
- Guest Speaker: Dr. Rosa Squillacote, Vice President Elect Part-Time Personnel; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Hunter College on adjunct rights, issues and concerns.
CLT Membership Meeting on budget, reopening, safety plans (Monday, July 13, 2020)
- Agenda and handouts: download here
- Guest Speaker: Dr. Michael Fabricant, Chair, PSC Legislative Committee and PSC University-wide Officer; Professor, Hunter College Silberman School of Social Work will give an overview of how CUNY is funded; the budget process; budget cuts in lieu of austerity and COVID-19; and CARES Act.
CLT Meeting on CUNY Colleges’ Safety Plans, aka, COVID-19 Reopening Safety Plan (Monday, June 29, 2020)
Did you know each business or entity, including those that have been designated as essential under Empire State Development’s Essential Business Guidance, must develop a written Safety Plan outlining how its workplace will prevent the spread of COVID-19? Learn more about your college’s safety plans and where to go for more information.
- Agenda and handouts: download here
- Guest Speaker: Pedro Irigoyen, Chief CLT of Chemistry, Queensborough Community College will present “PPE Stages of Protection.”
CLT Meet & Greet Meeting (Monday, June 22, 2020)
This was an informal meeting to meet our new incoming officer, Jeanette Batiz, PSC CLT Chapter Vice Chair & Delegate. We also gathered to share ideas, resources and technologies for in-person, remote work, and distance learning with fellow CLTs across CUNY.
Hostos Community College Health & Safety Town Hall (June 12, 2020)
- Presentation by Amy Jeu, Outgoing CLT Chapter Chair, “What do we need? What are your rights?”
CLT Survey of Safety Concerns & Returning to CUNY Campuses During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Respond by June 30, 2020)
CLT Unity Day (May 30, 2020)
This was an informal meeting with CLTs to gather and focus the conversation on CLT safety and the return to the workplace. What do we need? What are your rights? Who can I address my concerns to? Come with your list of specific needs and concerns for your work area.
Download agenda and download
PSC CUNY Hunter Chapter Town Hall (May 21, 2020)
- Presentation by Amy Jeu, Outgoing CLT Chapter Chair, on the impact of COVID-19 on CLTs. Listen to audio recording.
Virtual CLT Meeting (May 18, 2020)
Agenda and handouts: download here
Presentation of CLT Survey & Impact of COVID-19 Results:
- Moderator: Jeanette Batiz, Senior CLT, Bronx Community College, Biological Sciences
- Presentation by Deborah Hertzberg, Chief CLT, Brooklyn College, Theater
- Presentation by Michael Cannetti, Senior CLT, NYC College of Technology, Communication Design
- Presentation by Orit Gruber, Chief CLT, College of Staten Island, Computer Science
- Presentation by Alicia Trust, Chief CLT, Kingsborough Community College, Biological Sciences
- Presentation by Sharif Elhakem, Chief CLT, Lehman College, Chemistry
Survey of CLTs & Impact of COVID-19 (April 2020)
CLT Meeting (February 18, 2020)
“A New Way Forward for the CLT Chapter” presentation by Amy Jeu, Acting Chair, CLT Chapter
CLT Chapter Meeting (Tuesday, December 10, 2019)
- Contract ratification results and next steps for the CLT Chapter.
- Guest speaker: Peter Zwiebach, PSC Legal Director, will present on election procedures for CLT Chapter Elections.
- Chapter retirement send-off for CLT Chapter Chair Albert Sherman
Workplace Bullying in Academia (Oct 2019)
Panel discussion organized by Amy Jeu, CLT, with the following speakers:
- William Herbert, Executive Director, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions,
will cover workplace bullying from the legal and labor angles - Michael Fabricant, Professor, Hunter College Silberman School of Social Work; Chair, PSC Legislative Committee and PSC University-wide Officer,
will talk about how bullying is used as an austerity tool within higher education - Graciano Matos, Laboratory Hygiene Officer, Office of Environmental Health and Occupational Safety, City College,
will speak about bullying from the gender and socio-economic angles - Victoria O’Shea, ASAP Student Advisor, Queensborough Community College,
will speak about the effects of bullying and mental health - Clara Wajngurt, Professor at Queensborough Community College; CEO at Bullying Prevention Consulting,
will present a survey of how other universities address workplace bullying in the US and internationally - Iris Delutro, PSC VP Cross Campus Units; CUNY-Wide Program Manager, LEAP to Teacher Program, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies, The Murphy Institute,
will give an update on the PSC contract demand on bullying with CUNY, and the status of the NYS Healthy Workplace Bill
“Confronting workplace abuse at CUNY” by Shomial Ahmad summarized the event.
CLT Unity Day 2019
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Join CLTs from across CUNY at the 1st Annual CLT Unity Day
Saturday, June 1, 2019 @ 2 PM to 8 PM @ includes full dinner
Download Program Agenda
CLTs Celebrate National Bullying Prevention Month (Oct 2018)
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Workplace Bullying Resources (not exhaustive list)
- What is Workplace Bullying? – Clarion June 2012
Dignity at Work Policy – The PSC/CUNY CLT Chapter is committed to protecting dignity and respect across the University. This policy aims to promote respect, dignity, safety, and equality in the workplace. Every member of CUNY should be aware that all forms of discrimination, bullying, harassment, victimization, and violence are unacceptable and every member of CUNY has a duty to behave in an acceptable and respectful manner. All members are expected to treat each other with dignity, courtesy and respect at all times. We are fully committed to sustaining a positive and mutually supportive working environment free from harassment, discrimination, bullying, violence, and victimization where members can work together collaboratively and productively together, and where all members are equally valued and respected. – Adopted October 1, 2018.