Janus v AFSCME and our PSC Contract
Our union has the power to make gains in each contract because we all contribute financially. But the Supreme Court is expected to prohibit union fee collection for public workers when it rules on Janus V. AFSCME, a lawsuit designed to destroy unions like ours. If the Roberts-Gorsuch Court sides with the far-right think tanks and financiers whose goal is to end our power to win good contracts, we will have to make sure our union still has power. PSC membership matters—now more than ever!
Sign the new PSC Membership Card today, so our union can retain the power to:
- Defend our hard-won benefits, job security and rights at CUNY;
- Campaign for union-wide raises, $7,000 per course for adjuncts, tuition waivers for our children and other gains in the next contract.
It Takes a Strong Union to Win a Good Contract
Volunteer for Our CUNY-Wide New Membership Card Blitz, Feb. 26 – Mar. 3
On Monday, February 26, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case backed by far-right think tanks and financiers scheming to destroy unions like the PSC and end our power to work together for better pay and good benefits. The PSC is prepared to face this challenge. The union’s new, stronger union membership card will ensure we have the means to stand together as a union.
PSC chapters at every campus and CUNY worksite are planning New Membership Card blitzes for the week of February 26 through March 3. Chapters are organizing breakfast meet-ups and visits to colleagues in offices and outside classrooms to talk to them about signing the new union card. We will also distribute posters and brochures, stickers and buttons. We need you! Even an hour will make a difference. Contact your chapter chair to volunteer.
Working People’s Day of Action, Sat., Feb. 24
Rally Starts at 11 AM, Foley Square
Stand together with unions from across the state at the Working People’s Day of Action rally in Foley Square on Saturday, February 24 at 11 AM. The PSC contingent will meet at the south east corner of Lafayette St. and Worth St. at 10:45 AM. Buses filled with union members are coming from Buffalo, Albany, Long Island and Rochester. The NYC rally, and similar events in 13 other cities, will happen two days before the Supreme Court hears arguments in Janus v. AFSCME, a case funded by wealthy interests who want to destroy unions like the PSC. They’re scheming to rig the system against working people, to end our power to work together for better pay and good benefits. But we’re standing up to defend our rights and freedoms. Let us know you’ll be there.
Rally at the Supreme Court
Late-Night Bus to Washington D.C., Sunday/Monday, February 25 – 26
The steps of the Supreme Court will be an intense place Monday, February 26 when the Justices hear arguments in the Janus v. AFSCME case, when pro- and anti- union protesters are expected to rally. PSC activists will be in the thick of it, making our voices heard and demonstrating that our union is strong and here to stay. The PSC is chartering a bus to make the trip to Washington D.C. and covering the cost of the trip for members. Space on and near the SCOTUS steps is limited, so the bus will have to leave very late the night before and return in the afternoon of Monday. Fill out this web form to let us know if you’re interested. A PSC organizer will contact you with more information.
Labor Goes to the Movies: Persepolis, Fri., Feb. 16
The union’s film series will explore the theme “Regime/Resistance” with a screening of Persepolis this Friday, February 16 in the PSC Union Hall, 61 Broadway, 16th floor. This female coming of age story, adapted from the graphic novels of Iranian Marjane Satrapi, traces the history of Iran in the twentieth century: political repression under the Shah, the acts of resistance of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, religious repression under the ayatollahs, and the horrors and deprivation of the Iran-Iraq war. The film follows Marjane’s personal struggles as she travels to Austria to pursue her education in safety and returns to Iran in her search for home and acceptance. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Four dollar suggested donation. Space is limited! Light refreshments served before each screening. Here’s the trailer.
Get on the Bus to Albany
Advocate with Students for More State Funding for CUNY
The PSC is partnering with NYSUT and United University Professions (UUP) and with student organizations like NYPIRG and USS to advocate in Albany for increased funding for public higher education. Dozens of PSC members have risen to the challenge and signed up to lobby for a fully funded CUNY with the public resources needed to add full-time faculty lines, increase adjuncts’ pay to $7,000 per course and expand academic advisement and support services for students. There are still seats available on the bus for the Student/Faculty/Staff Higher Ed Action Day on Wednesday, February 28. Email Tiffany Brown at [email protected] to tell us you can join this one-day round trip to Albany with students on the buses leaving early from New York City.