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This Week in the PSC

Spring ’24 Mass Online Meeting Contract for #APeoplesCUNY Wednesday, March 6, 6:30PM

Mar 01, 2024

Spring ’24 Mass Online Meeting

Contract for #APeoplesCUNY

Wednesday, March 6, 6:30PM

RSVP for the Zoom Meeting

We need every PSC member at this mass online demonstration of solidarity and support for a strong new contract! Please RSVP here for the Zoom and log on to hear the latest from the PSC Bargaining Team after a dozen bargaining sessions with CUNY management and a year without a contract. Ask questions. Learn what you can do in Spring ‘24 to escalate the campaign to win a Contract for #APeoplesCUNY.

One Year Without A Contract!

Union members on nearly every campus, often joined by students, came out yesterday to table and picket, while one hundred members were in the PSC Union Hall with the bargaining team as they met with CUNY management. It was a powerful demonstration of the depth of the outrage that we all feel after One Year Without a Contract. PSC members are unified in our commitment to win a strong agreement with real gains for every title–and management knows it! We’ll be sharing more images from the day on the PSC website and social media. If you didn’t stop by the informational picket or table on your campus, please contact your chapter chair to get a One Year Without a Contract poster to hang in your workspace and some fliers to share with colleagues.

Observe a Bargaining Session!

PSC members’ presence during contract negotiations has been invaluable. All dues-paying PSC members are welcome to observe a bargaining session after completing an online Orientation to PSC-CUNY Bargaining. Sign up for an orientation:


HEOs, Full-time CLTs, and Faculty Librarians

Take the Staffing and Workload Survey

All HEOs, full-time CLTs, and faculty librarians were emailed a link to a PSC staffing and workload survey this past Wednesday. If you are in one of these title series and have not yet completed the survey, please click here to complete your survey submission as soon as possible. Your responses about what is happening in your office or department are needed to support contract negotiations and in our campaign to win the funding needed to adequately staff the University.



Higher Education Action Day 2024

A busload of PSC members joined 450 students, faculty, and staff this past Wednesday at the annual statewide Higher Education Action Day. Organized by a coalition of student groups and academic unions, the day featured a rally with elected allies in the Empire State Plaza and lobby meeting with nearly 100 legislators. We were there to win support for a joint platform of needed higher education investments, including an increase of $600 million for CUNY and SUNY senior colleges, funding to stop the closure of SUNY Downstate Hospital, and increases of roughly $100 million for CUNY and SUNY community colleges. PSC members also joined in advocating for financial aid reforms, infrastructure improvements, and funding to move New York toward a tuition-free future. Read more.

People’s Budget Campaign Launch

Wed, March 6, 11 AM

Join PSC members at the People’s Budget Campaign Launch on Wednesday, March 6 at 11 AM at the steps of the Tweed building (52 Chambers St, New York, NY 10007) to fight for a People’s Budget, #CareNotCuts, and #CareNotCriminalization! The People’s Plan coalition is leading the fightback against the Mayor’s cuts to CUNY, K-12 schools, libraries and other services and institutions that New Yorkers depend on. RSVP here to let the union’s legislative committee know you’ll be there. 

51st Annual National Collective Bargaining Conference

March 17-19 | New York City

The National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions will hold its 51st annual national conference March 17-19 at the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College and at the CUNY Graduate Center. The PSC is a proud supporter of the National Center and the annual conference, which brings together leaders of the labor movement and management representatives from across the academy. The theme of this year’s conference will be New Crossroads in Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations in Higher Education and the Professions.

Click here to register. Discounted conference registration rates for adjunct faculty, post-doctoral scholars, graduate and undergraduate students, CUNY faculty, administrators, and staff. Click here for the conference program.



Published: March 1, 2024 | Last Modified: March 11, 2024

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!