Ending $321M Tax Break for Columbia & NYU to Fund CUNY
Send A Letter In Support of Adjunct Job Security to the CUNY Chancellor Adjuncts deserve steady income and continued access to health insurance. They are due professional respect and fair treatment from CUNY. But management has sought to undermine the progress our union has made for adjuncts. Send a letter…
The CUNY Mayor Cuts CUNY Again | Defenses of Academic Freedom
AFT & AAUP Reaffirm Academic Freedom in Times of Strife The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Executive Council passed a resolution last week: Condemning Hate and Affirming Freedom of Speech on Campus. Read the full resolution, which, among other things, resolves: “that the AFT will call on college and…
Bargaining Update 9 | The Chancellor Must Stand for Free Speech
Bargaining Update #9 At the Oct. 26 bargaining session, with 35 members observing, the PSC presented critical demands related to educational technology & distance learning. CUNY management presented demands to expand the number of non-tenure track full-time positions and the duration of their appointments, to remove protections from contractual disciplinary…
Stand for Freedom of Speech and Assembly at CUNY
Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY Saturday, December 2, 1–3 PM Tell Us You Will Be There CUNY has been underfunded for too long, and budget cuts, understaffing and uncompetitive pay have been the results. Come Sing Out for increased CUNY funding at the Governor's Midtown office and Shout Out…
Sing Out, Shout Out | Bargaining Update 8
Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY Saturday, December 2, 1–3 PM Tell Us You'll Be There Make plans now to attend the biggest CUNY-wide contract campaign action of the Fall: Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY, a resounding call for a better CUNY. Our great public university has been…
CUNY Board Hearing, 10/16 | Deadlines for supplemental insurance, sick leave bank
Public Hearing of the CUNY Board of Trustees Monday, October 16, 4:30 PM, City College Our Contract for #APeoplesCUNY campaign continues over the next five weeks with local campus actions and five borough-wide events. A demonstration of unity at the October 16th public hearing of the CUNY Board of Trustees…
Bargaining Update 7 | Sick Leave Bank
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank Open Enrollment Period: Oct. 1-31 This is a PSC-CUNY contractual program. It is different from the similarly named Catastrophe Major Medical supplemental insurance offered by NYSUT Member Benefits. CUNY’s Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank is a pool of voluntarily donated sick leave and annual leave available…
Bargaining Update 6 | Mass Online Contract Meeting 9/28
Bargaining Update #6 The PSC bargaining team was joined by 50 members Wednesday, September 6 for the sixth session with CUNY management. President James Davis shared four of the union’s proposals for salary equity relating to Continuing Education Teachers, College Laboratory Technician titles, Adjunct Lecturers, and Assistant to Higher Education…
Fall Strategic Action Plan | Observe Bargaining
NYC Labor Day Parade March with the PSC this Saturday, September 9 This Saturday’s Labor Day Parade is an opportunity to show our union’s solidarity and strength as we begin another semester of contract negotiations with CUNY. We need you there to march for our new contract! Your friends and…
Bargaining Update 5 | Join Us for the NYC Labor Day Parade
Bargaining Update #5 In its August 22 session with CUNY, the PSC bargaining team – joined by a dozen PSC members observing – began with a rejoinder to CUNY’s August 8 overview of their bargaining agenda. President Davis indicated the union’s willingness to review proposals from CUNY management but expressed…