This Week in the PSC (04.23.12):Last Week to Gather Signatures for the Pathways Petition
Last Week to Gather Signatures for the Pathways Petition Now is the time to make sure you and your colleagues have signed the petition to repeal and replace Pathways. Signatures received by the end of the day on Thursday, April 26 will be included when the petition is presented to…
This Week in the PSC (4.19.12): Ask Colleagues To Sign the Pathways Petition by April 27
Pathways Petition - Ask Colleagues To Sign by April 27 If you haven’t yet signed the PSC’s petition on Pathways, now is the time. And if you have signed, now is the time to ask colleagues in your department to sign as well. Signatures received by noon on April 27…
This Week in the PSC (04.10.12): Even More Opposition to Pathways
Even More Opposition to Pathways New resolutions opposing Pathways were passed last week by the Brooklyn College Faculty Council, the City College College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Council, and by five departments at LaGuardia Community College. Also, David Speidel, former provost of Queens College, wrote in the Queens Times-Ledger…
This Week in the PSC (04.02.12): PSC Elections: Ballots Mailed This Week
2012 PSC Elections: Ballots Mailed This Week On April 2, ballots are being mailed to members’ homes for the election of the 27-member Executive Council (including president, first vice president, secretary and treasurer), and delegates to the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), and American…
This Week in the PSC (03.26.12): Part-Timers! The Tier IV Pension Enrollment Deadline is Sat., Mar 31
Part-Timers! The Tier IV Pension Enrollment Deadline is Sat., Mar 31 New York is instituting a new, inferior pension plan (Tier 6) that will apply to all CUNY employees, including adjuncts, who join Teachers Retirement System (TRS) on or after April 1. Teaching Adjuncts, Non-Teaching Adjuncts, and Adjunct CLTs have…
This Week in the PSC (3.5.12): Thursday, March 8 Town Hall Meeting on Pathways
Thursday, March 8: Town Hall Meeting on Pathways Opposition to Pathways, CUNY’s top-down overhaul of general education, is growing across the University. It’s time to reset decision-making on curriculum change! Come to the PSC Town Hall Meeting on Pathways, on Thursday, March 8: hear updates on the union’s litigation, a…
This Week in the PSC (02.29.12): Thursday, March 8: Town Hall Meeting on Pathways
Thursday, March 8: Town Hall Meeting on Pathways: On March 8, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m., the PSC will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Pathways, CUNY’s controversial overhaul of general education “If you are one of the thousands of faculty and staff across CUNY who have struggled with Pathways…
This Week in the PSC (02.16.12): Townhall Meeting on Pathways
Opposing Pathways: Protecting Faculty Governance and the Quality of a CUNY Degree Save the date! PSC will hold a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, March 8 from 6:00-8:30pm on Pathways, CUNY’s controversial overhaul of general education and transfer requirements, which circumvents elected faculty input and dilutes academic standards. Hear from…
This Week in the PSC (02.06.12): Watch PSC Leaders and Others Testify in Albany
Watch PSC Leaders and Others Testify in Albany PSC President Barbara Bowen and PSC First Vice President Steven London testified at a state budget hearing last Wednesday alongside leaders from United University Professions and New York State United Teachers. The union leaders were heartened by the Governor’s plan to fund…
This Week in the PSC (01.30.12): President Bowen to Testify at State Budget Hearing
Watch Online: President Bowen to Testify at State Budget Hearing The Legislature’s day-long joint public hearing on funding for higher education in the Governor’s Executive Budget is this Wednesday from 9:30 AM to 5 PM. PSC President Barbara Bowen will testify at the hearing alongside leaders from United University Professions…