This Week in the PSC (01.08.13): Important January Deadlines & Pathways News
Modern Language Association Vote Opposing Pathways The Delegate Assembly of the Modern Language Association passed a resolution opposing Pathways this weekend at their meeting in Boston. The organization serves a membership of 30,000 English and foreign language faculty in 100 countries. According to Inside Higher Ed, the resolution “criticiz[es] the…
This Week in the PSC (12.17.12): Tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut
Tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut News of the unspeakable loss of 20 children and seven adults this past Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut has us overcome with grief. Here is President Bowen’s statement to the union: "I'm sure I speak for all PSC members when I say…
This Week in the PSC (12.10.12): Pathways in Trouble across the University
Pathways in Trouble across the University Curriculum-approving bodies at Bronx Community College and Borough of Manhattan Community College passed resolutions in November demanding (Bronx) and declaring (BMCC) a moratorium on further Pathways implementation. The Bronx and BMCC resolutions and a new national petition against Pathways were followed by a week…
This Weeek in the PSC (11.19.12): Post-Sandy Bank for Annual Leave │ Reappointment Notification Deadlines
Post-Sandy Bank for Annual Leave In response to the impact of Superstorm Sandy on many of its employees, CUNY has announced a policy permitting each college to set up an emergency Annual Leave Bank to which full-time salaried CUNY employees (both instructional and classified staff) who accrue annual leave (not…
This Week in the PSC (11.12.12):Storm Relief Fund for Union Members
Storm Relief Fund for Union Members PSC is participating in the union movement's Superstorm Sandy relief efforts because looking out for one another is what being in a union is all about. Many union members, including our brothers and sisters in the PSC, have suffered significant loss and others were…
This Week in the PSC (11.05.12): The PSC Office is Open | Don't Forget to Vote
The PSC offers our heartfelt condolences to all who have suffered personal and material losses as a result of Superstorm Sandy. Those members who have opened their hearts and homes to colleagues and volunteered in the recovery are an inspiration to us all. As the University begins to restore day-to-day…
This Week in the PSC (10.23.12): Get Informed Before You Vote
Get Informed Before You Vote The latest issue of Clarion has a two pieces that every PSC member should read before going to the polls: “Obama vs. Romney on Higher Ed: Pell, Perkins and Private Profit,” an analysis by Clarion Editor Peter Hogness, and “PSC’s Political Strategy,” a viewpoint by…
This Week in the PSC (09.25.12): Updates on PSC Contract and Adjunct Health Insurance
‘We Do Not Accept That Austerity Is the Only Option’: Update on PSC Contract Clarion staff interviewed PSC President Barbara Bowen about negotiations on a new PSC/CUNY contract for the September edition of the union’s newspaper. Read the Q&A online. Update on Adjunct Health Insurance In August we announced that…
This Week in the PSC (09.03.12): Endorsements for September 13 Primaries and the General Election
Endorsements for September 13 Primaries and the General Election Visit the PSC website for a list of New York City area candidates for State legislative offices endorsed by New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), Working Families Party (WFP) and the New York State AFL-CIO. PSC is affiliated with all three…
This Week in the PSC (08.27.12): Welcome Back
Welcome Back to the New Academic Year On behalf of the union leadership and staff, “This Week in the PSC” wishes you a productive and satisfying academic year. With the start of the new semester, we resume weekly publication. Future issues of “This Week” will contain updates on the union’s…