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This Week in the PSC

Bargaining Update 23 | Contract Now Demonstration, 100 Wall St.

Jun 25, 2024

Bargaining Update 23

With forty PSC members observing, the PSC Bargaining Team returned to the table on June 17, putting forward a proposal for a new fund to be administered by the union, to which Associate Professors could apply for 3 hours of reassigned time. The union also presented counter proposals related to PSC-CUNY Research Awards and the length of a teaching observation. Read the full update.

Observe Contract Bargaining

All dues-paying members are welcome to observe a bargaining session after attending an online orientation. Your next opportunity to attend an orientation will be:

• Tuesday, July 9, 6:30-7:30 PM, Register here for the 7/9 Zoom.

Primary Election Day is Tuesday, June 25

Today, June 25, is the day to vote in the Primary Election for State, Congressional, Judicial and Party positions. Visit PSC’s Get Out the Vote 2024 webpage for the union’s priority races and click here for a complete list of candidates endorsed by our state affiliate NYSUT.

NYC Budget Campaign #CareNotCuts

PSC members rallied alongside The Peoples Plan coalition and hundreds of New Yorkers at City Hall last Thursday, June 20, ahead of a vote due this week on the FY25 New York City budget. The advocates gathered on the steps of City Hall to urge the City Council to hold its ground on funding for critical city services, including CUNY. While the crowd chanted for A People’s Budget outside, President Davis stood inside with Council Members calling for a fully functional education system. Read more.

A final NYC budget deal will be announced this week. Write your City Council member and the Mayor right now to push for full restoration of the $95 million in community college cuts enacted by the Mayor.

Public Feedback: Draft Community Equity Priorities

Here’s another way to help advocate for CUNY. The New York City Commission on Racial Equity (CORE) is drafting Community Equity Priorities to inform Racial Equity Plans that will be created by city agencies in the fall of 2024. CORE centers communities that have been historically underrepresented in, or underserved by, government and its processes. They are currently gathering public feedback to ensure that the priorities reflect what New Yorkers need to thrive in the city and what actions the city can take to improve our wellbeing.

PSC leadership and the legislation team met recently with CORE to discuss the importance of CUNY and the ongoing needs of CUNY community colleges. CORE is very interested in elevating CUNY as one of their top priorities.

We strongly encourage members to complete this public feedback form and circulate it among your colleagues, students and other networks.


Make fighting for a Fair Contract for A People’s CUNY part of your summer plans.

Summer Campaigns

Contract Now Demonstration at 100 Wall Street

Friday, June 28, 9:00-10:00 AM

Join a morning demonstration outside Board of Trustees Chair Bill Thompson’s Wall Street Investment Bank. We’ll hold Thompson accountable for CUNY’s attacks on job security and governance, and make sure he knows that we expect him to tell his bargaining team to change course and agree to a fair contract with real raises. Come to the PSC afterwards for coffee and doughnuts.





Sign up for Weekly Phone and
Social Media Zaps

Wednesdays, 12 PM, June 26-August 14

Join other PSC activists on Zoom in weekly coordinated outreach sessions to pressure the Board of Trustees to support our bargaining demands. We’ll log on, learn a script and sample social media messages, and then make calls and social media posts. The Zap on Wednesday, June 26 will be about job security. Phone and social media Zap meetings will continue on Wednesdays throughout the summer. We’ll jam up their phones and alerts every week until we get a contract. You can sign up for Wednesday, June 26 or any subsequent summer Wednesday Zap here on the PSC website.





Visit the Summer Campaigns web page to get involved in the PSC’s Summer Membership Drive, the One-on-One Conversations Committee, and more.



Published: June 25, 2024

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!