This Week in the PSC (02.14.18): Janus v AFSCME and our PSC Contract
Janus v AFSCME and our PSC Contract Our union has the power to make gains in each contract because we all contribute financially. But the Supreme Court is expected to prohibit union fee collection for public workers when it rules on Janus V. AFSCME, a lawsuit designed to destroy unions…
This Week in the PSC (02.05.18): We are Stronger Because We Stick Together as a Union
We are Stronger Because We Stick Together as a Union Sign Our New PSC Membership Card On Monday, February 26, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case backed by politicians and corporate interests scheming to destroy unions like the PSC and end our power to work…
This Week in the PSC (12.12.17): Our Favorite Photos from the Contract Campaign Kick-Off
Our Favorite Photos from the Contract Campaign Kick-Off Last Monday’s Contract Campaign Kick-off was a powerful—and beautiful—event. Click here to see some of the best photos and here to see a round-up of recent media coverage of the PSC’s work, including a Chronicle of Higher Education article on how our…
CUNY Faculty and Staff Kick off Contract Campaign for Fair Salaries, Quality Education
Unions, Community Orgs, Elected Officials Press CUNY to Negotiate a Competitive Contract for 30,000 Faculty and Staff New York—With their union contract four days expired, hundreds of CUNY faculty and staff represented by the Professional Staff Congress kicked off an energetic contract campaign tonight in midtown. The kick-off—a…
This Week in the PSC (11.22.17): Chancellor Milliken to Step Down
Chancellor Milliken to Step Down James B. Milliken, chancellor of CUNY, announced yesterday that he will step down from his position as chancellor at the end of the academic year. “The PSC will continue to work with Chancellor Milliken while he remains in office and will seek to make as…
This Week in the PSC (11.02.17): A Con Con Would Put Our Pensions and Union Rights At Risk
A Con Con Would Put Our Pensions and Union Rights At Risk Vote No on Proposition 1 Next Tuesday, November 7 Next week’s ballot will include a question on whether the state should hold a Constitutional Convention. The PSC, the Sierra Club, the New York Civil Liberties Union and hundreds…
This Week in the PSC (10.24.17): 2017 PSC COllective Bargaining Agenda Approved
2017 PSC Collective Bargaining Agenda Approved The union’s elected representatives overwhelmingly approved a new bargaining agenda at last week’s Delegate Assembly. President Bowen will now send a formal request to CUNY management to begin the next round of collective bargaining. She will call on CUNY to start before the end…