PSC Response to CUNY Coronavirus Plan
Message from President Bowen March 12, 2020 Dear Colleagues: I am writing to update you on what the union knows so far about the impact of CUNY’s plan in response to the coronavirus pandemic and the actions the PSC is taking in response. More messages will follow as…
Guidance on the Use of Sick Days and Working Remotely During the COVID-19 Epidemic
Dear Colleagues: Chancellor Matos-Rodríguez’s reply to my letter demanding negotiations on the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on our terms and conditions of employment indicates that the University is not willing to negotiate with the union at this time on procedures relative to the COVID-19 epidemic. The PSC…
Coronavirus Bargaining Demands
[On Friday, March 6 President Bowen sent a message to Chancellor Matos-Rodríguez asserting the union’s right to information about health and safety procedures during the coronavirus epidemic and our right to negotiate over any changes in employment conditions in response to the virus. The Chancellor's written response is posted…
Letter on Coronavirus to CUNY Chancellor
Colleagues: On Friday, March 6 I sent the message below to Chancellor Matos-Rodríguez asserting the union’s right to information about health and safety procedures during the coronavirus epidemic and our right to negotiate over any changes in employment conditions in response to the virus. [The Chancellor's written response…
This Week in the PSC (03.02.20): Declaring a Budget Emergency at CUNY
Budget Emergency Day, March 12 Wear #RedforEd and Take Action The budget emergency at CUNY is sabotaging our students, our work, our health, our future. It's time we transferred the crisis to Albany by taking action together. Everyone can do something on March 12 to stop the starvation of CUNY.…
This Week in the PSC (02.19.20): Three ways every PSC member can join the fight for CUNY
Tell Albany to Stop Starving CUNY Send a letter to your legislators. The NYS budget will be finalized in six weeks. The PSC is pushing legislators to make CUNY a top priority in this year’s budget. Key legislators are responding, but we need to keep the pressure on. Send this…
This Week in the PSC (02.05.20): Demanding 232.6 Million Dollars for CUNY
CUNY Rally Against Lack of Funding and Tuition Hikes—Thurs., Feb. 6 Student groups are mobilizing for a CUNY Rally against Lack of Funding and Tuition Hikes tomorrow, Thursday, February 6 at Baruch College. PSC members and leaders will be there to show our support for the position. We need as…
Protest Dangerous Attacks on Social Security
The Social Safety Net Committee of the PSC demands that the Administration withdraw in their entirety its proposals to increase and intensify eligibility reviews for disabled Americans receiving Social Security Disability benefits. These changes would strip disability benefits from hundreds of thousands of Americans, as they did when…