Queens College Chapter Meeting
PSC Chapter Meeting: THIS Wed. Nov. 20th 12:15-1:30pm (Powdermaker 132 or zoom) Join us for contract updates and more. PSC/CUNY President, James Davis, will discuss contract negotiations. QC’s new policy on filming, photography, and recording in classrooms. Addressing the increasing number of mandated trainings. Bring us issues you would like…
Legislation Committee Meeting
Monthly Legislation Committee Meeting RSVP here. Meeting will start at 6:30pm.
Contract Bargaining Session @ CUNY Central
For the latest news, read the bargaining updates. Sign up to observe a session. Join us for a bargaining session on Tuesday, November 19th at CUNY Central Office Pre-meeting: 8:30am Bargaining: 9am-12pm Debrief: 12pm
Lehman Chapter Meeting
Lehman Chapter Meeting Friday, November 15, 3:00pm Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpd-mrrT4oE9HwmiEc3iVq0eM8qPaFQZ8C After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Contract Bargaining Session @ CUNY
For the latest news, read the bargaining updates. Sign up to observe a session. Join us for a bargaining session on Friday, November 15th at CUNY's University Human Resources & Office of Labor Relations (395 Hudson Street, 5th Floor Tech Room, New York, NY 10014) Pre-meeting: 9:30am Bargaining: 10am-1pm Debrief: 1-1:30pm
Bronx & Staten Island Picket of CUNY Central
Join members from PSC chapters across the Bronx and Staten Island for a picket of the CUNY Central Office to demand that management come to the table with a fair economic offer and settle a strong contract for CUNY workers! Register using this form:
PSC Social Hour at City Tech
PSC Social Hour at City Tech Wed. Nov. 13, 4-6 pm Faculty Commons, Namm 227 Come meet fellow union members. Ask questions. Share ideas. Debrief. Open to all! (with a special invitation to new or or recent hires and to non members).
City College Chapter Meeting
City College Chapter Meeting Wednesday, November 13, 2024, from 12:15 PM-2:00 PM. Zoom-https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpdu2orj0vHtBKrWkb2KkKoAso9UPqGTu3
Executive Council Meeting
Executive Council Meeting The Executive Council, the union’s 27-member leadership group, generally meets once a month on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, (dinner at 5:30 PM). Meetings are currently in person. Meetings for the Fall 2024 semester are on September 10, October 8, November 12 & December 10.
Queens & Brooklyn Picket of CUNY Central
Join members from PSC chapters across Queens, plus from Kingsborough Community College and City Tech, for a picket of the CUNY Central Office to demand that management come to the table with a fair economic offer and settle a strong contract for CUNY workers! Register using this webform: