Health & Safety Watchdogs
Event Date: Thursday, September 15, 2022 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm Event Type7: Committee Meeting RSVP Phone Number: Email Address: [email protected] State: Zip: Non Featured Event Location State: Zip:
Environmental Justice Committee
Presentation & Discussion of Carbon Free and Healthy Schools Campaign Gene Carroll, Organizer with Climate Jobs NY / NYC Central Labor Council / , has been a Worker Institute Fellow, Cornell ILR School and long-standing faculty member of CUNY School of Labor & Urban Studies, will briefly describe Climate…
Executive Council/Chapter Chairs Check-In
Members of the PSC Executive Council and Chapter Chairs meet together once a month on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30 pm to check-in on current and upcoming issues. Fall semester check-ins are on: September 13 October 18 November 15 December 13
Retiree Chapter Meeting
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 1-3 PM Topic: STATE OF THE UNIONS: National and Local Speakers: Ruth Milkman, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies has written on a variety of topics involving work and organized labor in the United States, past and present. Her most recent books…
Labor Day Parade
Save the date! RSVP here to join us Saturday September 10 as we march with the PSC's 50th Anniversary banner in the annual NYC Labor Day Parade. The parade route goes up 5th Avenue from 44th Street to 64th Street. PSC members will gather beginning at 12:15 PM on West…
Safety Net Committee
Discussion of current and upcoming safety net issues, with focus on healthcare. Committee members will receive Zoom link by email.