Executive Council Meeting
The Executive Council (“the EC”), the union’s 27-member leadership group, is responsible for making policy recommendations to the DA. The EC includes the four principal officers listed above and the 23 people listed here. They are elected directly by the entire membership or the constituency they represent and have overall…
Retiree Chapter Meeting
Part I: The Asian American Community: Fighting Racism Moderator: Carol Huang, CCNY, Sec’y Asian-American Research Institute Van Tran, CUNY Graduate Center: A brief summary of discrimination against Asian-Americans including racial exclusion in immigration laws to internment of Japanese Americans in WWII to the present. Ravi Kalia, CCNY and the Asian American/Asian Research…
CLT Chapter Meeting
PSC/CUNY CLT General Chapter New Contract Action Meeting Date: November 7, 2022 Time: 6:30-8:30pm You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Nov 7, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoce-orj8pGtSTiGkGc6fvswOmM6yYaTvY After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about…
New York State AAUP Conference
Theme: "The Mental Health Crisis and Higher Ed: Recognizing and Standing up for the Needs of Faculty, Staff, and Students and Creating Opportunities for Positive Change. Zoom registration link: https://nyscaaup.org/ny-state-aaup-fall-conference-2022-registration/ Some sessions of interest: 9:00 am - 10:30 am Keynote Speaker: Dr. Leah Hollis, Associate Professor, Advanced Studies in Leadership &…
PSC-CCNY Environmental Justice Working Group Virtual Event!
Join us for a panel discussion and breakout sessions with Mark Levine, Manhattan Borough President, Alex Klein, Zero Waste NYC, Lea Thali, NYC Parks Department Register for this meeting (same-day registrations welcome!): bit.ly/VOTE4EJ Students, Faculty, and Staff are all invited to this virtual meeting to advance a climate justice agenda…
SAVE THE DATE: Friday, November 4, 10 am – 12 noon GETTING TO TENURE: A ROAD MAP FOR QUEENS COLLEGE FACULTY The Queens College Professional Staff Congress will hold its annual workshop for all untenured, tenure-track faculty on the process and best practices for achieving tenure at Queens College. Recently tenured…
PSC York College Anti-Bullying Meeting
Good day everyone, I would like to invite you to come and hear what Bullying in a work environment truly means. Many of us are not sensitive or aware of what it means to be bullied. Join us via zoom on Nov. 2nd at 2pm for information regarding Anti-Bulling. We will…
City College Campus Action Team (CAT) Meeting
Dear CCNY friends and colleagues, Please join us at our next Campus Action Team (CAT) meeting on Wednesday, Nov 2, from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. We will be resuming our discussions on workload, accessibility, health and safety, work-life balance, and of course, winning a great new contract. The CAT meeting…
Chapter Chairs Meeting
Chapter chairs generally meet once a month (or every four weeks). Meetings are currently by Zoom with a start time of 6:30 pm. Chairs should check their email for a Zoom link. Meetings for the fall 2022 semester are on 8/30, 10/6, 11/1 and 11/29.