Academic Freedom, Title VI, and Free Speech in the National Context
Join panelists Risa Lieberwitz (Cornell ILR) and Rana Jaleel (Chair, AAUP Committee on Academic Freedom & Tenure) for a panel on academic freedom, Title VI, and free speech in the national context! Members must register here to join
EC/CC Meeting
EC/CC Meetings Meetings are scheduled on Tuesdays via Zoom, from 12:30-1:30 PM on February 18 (classes follow a Monday schedule), March 18, April 15, and May 20.
Legislation Committee Meeting
Monthly Legislation Committee Meeting RSVP here. Meeting will start at 6:30pm.
Mayoral Forum hosted by CRA
CUNY Rising Alliance and its allies are hosting a Mayoral Candidate Forum on Friday, March 14th at 5 PM. Join us in-person as we meet the NYC Mayoral candidates, learn about their plans for uplifting CUNY, and ask them about how they plan to defend CUNY during this uncertain time.…
Academic Freedom, Title VI, and Free Speech in the PSC-CUNY Context
Join panelists Faye Moore (PSC Director of Contract Enforcement), Nick Devyatkin (PSC Director of Legal Affairs), and Tony Alessandrini (PSC Academic Freedom Committee Chair) for a panel on academic freedom, Title VI, and free speech in the PSC Context! Members must register here to join
Executive Council Meeting
The Executive Council, the union’s 27-member leadership group, generally meets once a month on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, (dinner at 5:30 PM). Meetings are currently in person. Meetings for the Spring 2025 semester are on January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10, and July 15…
Stand Up for Science – NYC Rally
PSC members will attend the NYC Stand up for Science rally from 12:00pm-3:00pm in Washington Square Park! Register here for more information about the NYC event, and use the form below to tell us you'll join the PSC contingent!
CSI Chapter Meeting
Join us on Zoom for a College of Staten Island PSC chapter meeting on Thursday, March 6th at 5pm
Queens College Chapter Meeting
Queens College Chapter Meeting 12:15-1:30pm: Wed., March 5; Hybrid event in Powdermaker 132 and via zoom :
Chapter Chair Meeting
Chapter chair meetings will be held monthly on first Tuesdays at 6:30pm during the spring semester. Meetings are in-person at the PSC Union Hall and are scheduled for February 4, March 4, April 1 and May 6.