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Member-lobbying to support PSC's budget-contract campaign

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Joint Budget Hearing for Higher Education
Monday, January 28, Albany

Legislators on the Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means committees and their colleagues on the Higher Education committees will hear testimony on the Governor’s Executive Budget for higher education at a hearing in the State Legislative Office Building in Albany starting at 11 AM on Monday, January 28. A team of union activists will travel via train to attend the hearing, which may run until 5 PM. The activists will be there to distribute fliers to the hundreds of hearing attendees and to hold signs for lawmakers and TV cameras to see. PSC officers will testify in the mid-afternoon on a labor panel alongside leaders from NYSUT and United University Professions. The CUNY administration will testify early in the hearing. Student activists and PSC allies from the CUNY University Student Senate and the New York Public Interest Research Group will also testify toward the end of the hearing. Contact Tiffany Brown ([email protected]) if you’d like to be one of the activists who attends the hearing. Video of the PSC testimony will be posted online and emailed to union members, along with opportunities to contact your representatives in Albany.

Higher Education Advocacy Day 2019
Tuesday, February 12, Lincoln’s Birthday, Albany

The PSC is working in coalition with NYSUT, UUP, NYPIRG, CUNY USS and SUNY SA to organize a major lobby day to demand new State investments in public higher education. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, the Lincoln’s Birthday holiday. Classes are suspended for the holiday, so HEOs and CLTs will not have to use a vacation day to attend. Faculty and students won’t have to schedule around their classes. Why not spend the day off work in Albany lobbing alongside hundreds of PSC colleagues and CUNY students for State funding to support quality CUNY education and a fair contract? Registrations for the overnight stay in Albany February 11 and the morning lobby meetings are filled up. PSC members can still travel to Albany with CUNY students on any the of five buses headed up to Albany on February 12. Student/faculty/staff coalition lobby visits will take place between 12 and 3. Buses leave very early in the morning. You must register via this online form to have a seat on a bus and a schedule of meetings. PSC members who cannot attend will be able to follow along via social media and will have several opportunities show support online and press their legislators for action.

Committee of 100 Lobby Day
March 4-5, Albany

PSC registration is filled up for this statewide lobby day attend by NYSUT members from across the state. PSC members will be able to follow along via social media and will have several opportunities show support online and press their legislators for action.

In-District Meetings
Late-February through Early March

The Legislature is not in session the week of Presidents Day, February 18-22, and many legislators will be available for meetings in their NYC district offices. Fridays in March are also good days to schedule in-district meetings with State legislators. This is the period of the session when the Assembly’s and Senate’s one-house budget resolutions are written and passed. The resolutions name the priorities of the two houses and set the table for the remaining budget negotiations. PSC chapters will work with union staff to schedule the local delegation visits during this important time. Contact Tiffany Brown ([email protected]) if you’d like to join a delegation with colleagues from your chapter.

$7K Action Day
Wednesday, March 13, Albany and On Campus

PSC members will take action in Albany and on campuses and work sites throughout NYC to pressure lawmakers to support a fully funded contract with raises for all and $7K per course for adjuncts. Contact Tiffany Brown ([email protected]) to sign up to be part of the action in Albany. Talk to your chapter chair about how you can help mobilize members on your campus on March 13th.

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Join us February 26th for the annual Higher Education Action Day - register by Thur., Feb. 20