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Home » Contract » Article 33: Faculty and Staff Development

Article 33: Faculty and Staff Development

33.1 The University agrees to develop and implement with the PSC programs of professional development and/or retraining for tenured and certificated members of the instructional staff in the titles Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, and Lecturer. Participation in the programs shall be voluntary.

33.2 The University, through its Office of Human Resources Management, agrees to develop and implement with the PSC programs of professional development and/or retraining for members of the non classroom instructional staff. The program shall be voluntary. The University shall have the right to assign staff to the program only during the normally scheduled work day.

33.3 The Chancellor will consult with the President of the PSC regarding general guidelines for the development and implementation of the programs. These programs shall be developed on a no cost basis.

33.4 Staff successfully completing a faculty or staff development program shall, upon their request, have acknowledgment of this fact placed in their personal personnel files.

33.5 Effective September 19, 2007, an annual sum of $547,442 University-wide will be allocated to provide opportunities for professional development for employees in Higher Education Officer series and College Laboratory Technician series titles. Effective January 1, 2020, the annual sum of $807,442 and, effective February 1, 2021, and annually thereafter, the annual sum of $1,047,442 University-wide will be allocated to provide opportunities for professional development for employees in Higher Education Officer series, College Laboratory Technician series titles and Non-Teaching Adjunct titles. Guidelines for the implementation of this provision are as follows:

(a) During the first quarter of every fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), the University will forward to the PSC the funds set forth above. These funds will be maintained by the PSC in a separate, interest-bearing account.

(b) The PSC will establish a HEO/CLT Professional Development Committee that will be responsible for reviewing applications and making the professional development grants set forth herein. The Professional Development Committee will also be responsible for accounting to the PSC for the expenditure of the funds.

(c) If the funds provided in any fiscal year are not fully expended in the fiscal year, they may be rolled over into the next fiscal year. It is agreed, however, that if the funds available in any fiscal year exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000), the parties will meet to negotiate a mutually agreeable expenditure of the funds in excess of $500,000.

(d) At the end of the fiscal year, the PSC will provide an accounting of the use of the funds to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Labor Relations. This accounting will include the following information: 1) the name of each recipient, 2) the amount of the grant, 3) the specific purpose for which the grant was made, 4) an itemized accounting of other (i.e., administrative) expenditures, 5) the opening balance of the account and 6) the closing balance of the account.

(e) Applications may be submitted and professional development grants will be made on a rolling basis during the fiscal year.

(f) Full-time employees in Higher Education Officer Series and College Laboratory Technician Series titles will be eligible to apply for professional development grants as set forth herein. Employees in adjunct College Laboratory Technician titles and Non-Teaching Adjunct titles will also be eligible to apply, provided that they are working an average of 10 or more hours per week during the semester in which application is made and have worked an average of 10 or more hours per week for four consecutive semesters (not including summer sessions) immediately preceding the semester in which application is made. Eligible employees will apply by using the standard application form. The application will explain how the professional development activity is related to the employee’s position at the University and to the employee’s own professional development.

(g) Applications must have the supervisor’s approval before being submitted to the HEO/CLT Professional Development Committee. If the supervisor does not approve the application, the supervisor must provide an explanation for the disapproval.

(h) Applications must be approved by the HEO/CLT Professional Development Committee before the professional development activity commences.

(i) Funds will be disbursed to the employee only upon submission of documentation acceptable to the HEO/CLT Professional Development Committee.

(j) The maximum award for professional development activities in any academic year is $3,000. Preference will be given to employees who have not previously received professional development funds as set forth herein.

(k) Through December 31, 2019, up to $3,000 annually may be spent from the Fund to reimburse the PSC for administrative expenses incurred by the PSC in implementing the Fund. Effective January 1, 2020, the following provisions will replace the administrative reimbursement set forth above: A sum equal to 7.5 percent of the annual $807,442 allocation to the Fund (i.e., $65,604) will be deducted by the PSC upon receipt of the funds to support administrative costs. Effective February 1, 2021, a sum equal to 7.5 percent of the annual $1,047,442 allocation to the Fund (i.e., $78,558) will be deducted annually from the HEO/CLT Professional Development Fund by the PSC to support administrative costs. The PSC will provide an annual itemized accounting of these expenses.

(l) Members of the HEO-CLT Professional Development Committee may receive a stipend from the HEO-CLT Professional Development Fund of up to $3,000 per person per annum. The cost to the HEO-CLT Professional Development Fund for these stipends may not exceed $12,000 per annum.

33.6 Effective each of the following dates, the University will provide the sum of $500,000 to the Adjunct Professional Development Fund: September 28, 2008; October 5, 2009; and October 5, 2010.

Effective July 1, 2013, the University will make a one-time cash contribution of $250,000 to the Adjunct Professional Development Fund.

Effective August 25, 2016, CUNY will provide the sum of $160,000 annually to the Adjunct Professional Development Fund.

Effective January 1, 2020, the University will provide the sum of $660,000 annually to the Adjunct Professional Development Fund. If the funds provided in any fiscal year are not fully expended in the fiscal year, they may be rolled over into the next fiscal year. Guidelines for the implementation of this provision are contained in Appendix B.

33.7 This Article shall not be subject to Article 20.

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