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Home » Contract » Appendix D: CUNY Start and CUNY Language Immersion Program ("CLIP") Instructors

Appendix D: CUNY Start and CUNY Language Immersion Program ("CLIP") Instructors

Start Instructor and CLIP Instructor titles, established Fall 2016. Eligible incumbent hourly teachers were moved to the equivalent CUNY Start Instructor and CLIP Instructor titles effective February 12, 2017.

1. Applicable Provisions: The CUNY Start Instructor and CLIP Instructor titles will be included in the PSC bargaining unit but excluded from the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement with the exception of Articles 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 17, 20, 33.5, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43.

2. Salary:

(a.) CUNY Start Instructors

  • CUNY Start Instructors will have an annualized salary schedule equivalent to the Lecturer salary schedule, based on a workload of 1,230 hours per year (including teaching and program days) exclusive of paid holidays.

(b.) CLIP Instructors

  • CLIP Instructors will have an annualized salary schedule equivalent to the Lecturer salary schedule, except the minimum annual salary rate for CLIP Instructors will be a new salary step added to the bottom of the Lecturer salary schedule ($43,387) effective 2/12/17, based on a workload of 1,014 hours per year (including teaching and program days) exclusive of paid holidays.
  • CLIP Instructors who work additional hours during the summer session will be paid for such work at the appropriate CLIP hourly rate in the CLIP Instructor salary schedule.

(c.) CUNY Start Instructors with the functional title of Lead Instructor will receive a salary differential in the amount of $5,300.

(d.) CUNY Start Instructors and CLIP Instructors will receive a January 1st movement in schedule (i.e., step increase) after at least ten full months of service.

(e.) For employees newly hired to teach in the CUNY Start and CLIP programs on or after 2/12/17:

  • Newly hired teachers in the CLIP program will be hired in a six-month appointment in the hourly Continuing Education Teacher title and will be paid the hourly rate of the CLIP Instructor minimum salary. After such teachers work a complete Fall or Spring semester, if they are reappointed in the CLIP program, they must be appointed to the full-time CLIP Instructor title.
  • Newly hired teachers in the CUNY Start program will be hired as cooperating teachers in a six-month appointment in the hourly Continuing Education Teacher (“CET”) title and will be paid at the CET minimum hourly rate. (See CET Supplemental Agreement.)  After such teachers work a complete Fall or Spring semester, if they are to be appointed in the CUNY Start program, they will be appointed to the full-time CUNY Start Instructor title, unless required to serve one additional semester as a cooperating teacher based upon the Program’s evaluation of the employee.

3. Time and Leave:

(a.) Workload:

  • CUNY Start Instructors will have a workload of 1,230 hours per year (including teaching and program days), exclusive of paid holidays. (Annual appointment periods will begin in August, except at Kingsborough and LaGuardia Community Colleges, where they may begin in September.)
  • CLIP Instructors will have a workload of 1,014 hours per year (including teaching and program days), exclusive of paid holidays, to be worked during the Fall and Spring semesters (Fall, Winter and Spring at Kingsborough and LaGuardia Community Colleges). (Annual appointment periods will begin in August, except at Kingsborough and LaGuardia Community Colleges, where they may begin in September.)

(b.) Annual and Sick Leave:

  • Annual leave will not accrue but will be taken when programs are not in session.
  • CUNY Start Instructors will accrue 20 days of sick leave per year.
  • CLIP Instructors will accrue 16 days of sick leave per year. CLIP Instructors who work during the summer session will accrue an additional 4 days of sick leave per year.
  • The sick leave cap for employees in both titles will be 60 days.
  • Employees in both titles will be eligible to participate in the Dedicated Sick Leave and Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank programs, in accordance with the terms of those policies.

4. Benefits:

(a.) Employees in both titles will have annualized health insurance and participate in the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund and per capita per annum contributions (pro-rated on a monthly basis) shall be made to the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund on their behalf.

(b.) Employees in both titles may participate in the HEO/CLT Professional Development Fund, set forth in Article 33.5.

(c.) The parties will discuss Travia Leave and retiree health insurance benefits for members of the optional retirement program.

5. Observations/Evaluations:

(a.) The existing observation/evaluation process (as of 2017-2018) for teachers in the CUNY Start program shall remain in effect for CUNY Start Instructors.

(b.) A teaching observation and/or an evaluation may be conducted at the request of the Campus Director or the CLIP Instructor, provided, however, that if such observation/evaluation is conducted at the request of the CLIP Instructor, such observation/evaluation may not be conducted more than once a year.

(c.) There shall be a personal personnel file which shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Information relating to the employee’s academic and professional accomplishments submitted by the employee or placed in the file at his or her request; 
  • Personnel information and records generated by the college;
  • Formal evaluations of the employee’s professional performance. 

No materials shall be placed in the employee’s file until the employee has been given the opportunity to read the contents and attach any comments he/she may so desire.  Each such document shall be initialed by the employee before being placed in his/her file as evidence of his/her having read such document.  This initialing shall not be deemed to constitute approval by the employee of the contents of such document.  If the employee refuses to initial any document after having been given an opportunity to read the same, a statement to that effect shall be affixed to the document.

CLIP and CUNY Start Instructors’ personal personnel files will be maintained in the college Human Resources Office and an employee may make an appointment with the Human Resources Office to review his/ her file.

6. Discipline:

Employees in both titles shall be subject to discharge for just cause subject to the grievance and arbitration process set forth in Article 20 herein.



10/1/2018 10/31/2019 11/15/2020 11/15/2021 4/1/2022 11/1/2022
$50,301 $51,307 $52,333 $53,380 $54,880 $56,008
$53,303 $54,369 $55,457 $56,566 $58,066 $59,258
$55,959 $57,078 $58,220 $59,384 $60,884 $62,133
$58,078 $59,239 $60,424 $61,633 $63,133 $64,426
$61,088 $62,310 $63,556 $64,827 $66,327 $67,684
$63,211 $64,476 $65,765 $67,080 $68,580 $69,983
$65,334 $66,641 $67,974 $69,333 $70,833 $72,280
$67,454 $68,803 $70,179 $71,582 $73,082 $74,575
$69,574 $70,966 $72,385 $73,833 $75,333 $76,870
$71,699 $73,133 $74,595 $76,087 $77,587 $79,170
$73,820 $75,297 $76,803 $78,339 $79,839 $81,466
$75,943 $77,462 $79,011 $80,591 $82,091 $83,764
$78,937 $80,516 $82,126 $83,768 $85,268 $87,004
$84,363 $86,050 $87,771 $89,527 $91,027 $92,878


10/1/2018 10/31/2019 11/15/2020 11/15/2021 4/1/2022 11/1/2022
$44,919 $45,817 $46,733 $47,668 $49,168 $50,182
$46,665 $47,598 $48,550 $49,521 $51,021 $52,072
$48,449 $49,418 $50,406 $51,414 $52,914 $54,003
$50,301 $51,307 $52,333 $53,380 $54,880 $56,008
$53,303 $54,369 $55,457 $56,566 $58,066 $59,258
$55,959 $57,078 $58,220 $59,384 $60,884 $62,133
$58,078 $59,239 $60,424 $61,633 $63,133 $64,426
$61,088 $62,310 $63,556 $64,827 $66,327 $67,684
$63,211 $64,476 $65,765 $67,080 $68,580 $69,983
$65,334 $66,641 $67,974 $69,333 $70,833 $72,280
$67,454 $68,803 $70,179 $71,582 $73,082 $74,575
$69,574 $70,966 $72,385 $73,833 $75,333 $76,870
$71,699 $73,133 $74,595 $76,087 $77,587 $79,170
$73,820 $75,297 $76,803 $78,339 $79,839 $81,466
$75,943 $77,462 $79,011 $80,591 $82,091 $83,764
$78,937 $80,516 $82,126 $83,768 $85,268 $87,004
$84,363 $86,050 $87,771 $89,527 $91,027 $92,878


10/1/2018 10/31/2019 11/15/2020 11/15/2021 11/1/2022
$44.30 $45.18 $46.09 $47.01 $47.95
$46.02 $46.94 $47.88 $48.84 $49.82
$47.78 $48.73 $49.71 $50.70 $51.72
$49.60 $50.59 $51.61 $52.64 $53.69
$52.57 $53.62 $54.69 $55.79 $56.90
$55.18 $56.29 $57.41 $58.56 $59.73
$57.27 $58.42 $59.59 $60.78 $61.99
$60.24 $61.45 $62.67 $63.93 $65.21
$62.34 $63.59 $64.86 $66.16 $67.48
$64.43 $65.72 $67.04 $68.38 $69.74
$66.52 $67.85 $69.21 $70.60 $72.01
$68.62 $69.99 $71.39 $72.82 $74.27
$70.71 $72.12 $73.56 $75.03 $76.53
$72.80 $74.25 $75.74 $77.25 $78.80
$74.90 $76.40 $77.92 $79.48 $81.07
$77.85 $79.40 $80.99 $82.61 $84.26
$83.20 $84.87 $86.56 $88.29 $90.06

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