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Home » Contract » Appendix B: Guidelines for the Implementation of the Adjunct Professional Development Fund

Appendix B: Guidelines for the Implementation of the Adjunct Professional Development Fund

1. Effective September 1, 2006, the PSC will establish an Adjunct Professional Development Selection Committee that will be responsible for reviewing applications and making the professional development grants from the Adjunct Professional Development Fund. Applications will be received and grants awarded on a rolling basis pursuant to the availability of funds under Article 33.6.

2. The Adjunct Professional Development Selection Committee will be responsible for accounting to the PSC for the expenditure of the funds. At the end of each CUNY fiscal year (i.e., June 30), the PSC will provide an accounting of the use of the funds to the President of the PSC and the Senior Vice Chancellor for Labor Relations. This accounting will include the following information: 1) the name of each recipient, 2) the amount of the grant, 3) the specific purpose for which the grant was made, 4) an itemized accounting of other (i.e., administrative) expenditures, 5) the opening balance of the account and 6) the closing balance of the account.

3. An adjunct faculty member who is teaching six or more classroom contact hours in the semester and has taught one or more courses for the two most recent consecutive semesters (not including summer session) shall be eligible to apply for a grant from the Adjunct Professional Development Fund. To be eligible for a grant that would be used during an intersession or summer session period when not otherwise employed at the college, an adjunct must meet the above stated eligibility requirements and in addition must have been notified of reappointment for the next consecutive semester. Continuing Education Teachers who are appointed to a position that will continue for a period of more than six months and that requires them to teach a minimum of 20 hours per week and who have taught in such an appointment for the two most recent consecutive semesters (not including summer session) shall also be eligible to apply for a grant from the Adjunct Professional Development Fund.

4. Eligible employees will apply by using a standard application form. The application will explain how the professional development activity is related to the employee’s position at the University and to the employee’s own professional development. A grant for a professional development activity that conflicts with the employee’s teaching responsibilities will not be awarded.

5. Applications must have the approval of one chairperson of a department that is employing the adjunct before being submitted to the Adjunct Professional Development Selection Committee. If the chairperson does not approve the application, he/she must provide an explanation for the disapproval.

6. Applications must be approved by the Adjunct Professional Development Selection Committee before the funded professional development activity commences. Funds will be disbursed to the employee only upon submission of documentation acceptable to the Adjunct Professional Development Selection Committee.

7. The maximum award for professional development activities in any academic year to an individual is $3,000. Preference will be given to employees who have not previously received professional development funds and to employees with long service to the University. Through December 31, 2019, up to $3,000 annually may be spent from the Fund to reimburse for administrative expenses. Effective January 1, 2020, a sum equal to 7.5 percent of the annual $660,000 allocation to the Adjunct Professional Development Fund (i.e. $49,500) will be deducted from the Fund annually by the PSC to support administrative costs. The PSC will provide an annual itemized accounting of these expenses.

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