Lehman Chapter Meeting
Lehman Chapter Meeting Friday, December 20 Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpd-mrrT4oE9HwmiEc3iVq0eM8qPaFQZ8C After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
City Tech Chapter Meeting to discuss the Tentative Contract Agreement
Join us for an open discussion at City Tech to discuss the Tentative Contract Agreement. There's an understanding we may need to shift the date depending on unfolding circumstances. Register here to receive the zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIudOqqpzwpE9RKpaxcJGOZmyt2WhVcgbf4
CLT Chapter Meeting
CLT General Chapter Meeting December 17,2024 at 6:30-8:30pm (Tuesday Agenda Welcome our CLT member by Ms. Jeanette Batiz Housekeeping Speaker Greg Douros Coordinator of Contract administration Contract Updates- CLT Chapter/ Officers/ PSC organizers Here is the LINK: Topic: Jeanette Batiz, PSC/CUNY CLT Chapter Chair's Zoom Meeting Time: Dec 17, 2024…
BMCC HEO Meeting
BMCC HEO Meeting Monday, December 16, 2024 1PM-2:30PM In person. 199 Chambers Street, room S123
City Tech Chapter Meeting
City Tech Chapter Meeting Thursday, December 12, 2024, 12:45-2:15 Namm 1001 (in person). Register in advance for the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkc-ihqzMtGdY7qcGVAfS5eso8wtDYWcm8 Evie Rich, from the PSC-CUNY Social Safety Net Working Group (SSNWG), will report on important union push back to proposed changes to in-service health care. Come with questions.
City College Chapter Meeting
Join us for a chapter meeting at City College NY! This meeting will be held via Zoom. Please register to attend at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqdeqtqj8sHdE2UzEr9K0Ey4J7ygh-7b0o#/registration
Special GC chapter meeting on Academic Freedom and more elections
Special GC chapter meeting on Academic Freedom and more elections Friday, December 6, 2024, 12pm-1:30pm In person in room 5414 at the Graduate Center, with pizza. For remote, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvfuGhqzwpG9AL6lJQr8i3gkCWQh0aLPii There will only be two items on the agenda: 12-12:15 Check-in for voting members of the GC chapter*…
Retirees Chapter December meeting
Retirees Chapter December meeting Monday, December 2, 1 PM Part 1: Reflections on the Elections Speakers: Susan Kang, Chair Political Science Dept. at John Jay, PSC Executive Council Jennifer Gaboury, PSC First Vice President and Chair Hunter PSC Chapter Part 2: Update on Medicare Speaker: Donna Costa, PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund…
Queens College Chapter Meeting
PSC Chapter Meeting: THIS Wed. Nov. 20th 12:15-1:30pm (Powdermaker 132 or zoom) Join us for contract updates and more. PSC/CUNY President, James Davis, will discuss contract negotiations. QC’s new policy on filming, photography, and recording in classrooms. Addressing the increasing number of mandated trainings. Bring us issues you would like…
Lehman Chapter Meeting
Lehman Chapter Meeting Friday, November 15, 3:00pm Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpd-mrrT4oE9HwmiEc3iVq0eM8qPaFQZ8C After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.