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CET Rights and Benefits

DOWNLOAD: The CET Rights and Benefits Brochure

The text is also on this webpage.

The Professional Staff Congress is the union that represents 30,000 faculty and staff at the City University of New York (CUNY) and the CUNY Research Foundation. It represents part-time and full-time faculty and staff, including Continuing Education Teachers (CETs). The union is dedicated to advancing the professional lives of its members, enhancing their terms and conditions of employment, and maintaining the strength of the nation’s largest, oldest, and most visible urban public university.

Submit a membership card:


The Supplemental Agreement on Continuing Education Teachers outlines the pay, rights, and benefits for CETs.

Supplemental agreement:

PSC-CUNY contract:


CETs are entitled to a minimum hourly rate of $40.45, as of 11/1/2022. Program directors often hire CETs at a rate higher than the minimum. When this brochure was being updated in the Summer of 2024, a new contract was being negotiated.

Go to the PSC website to find updated hourly rates.

CETs who teach a course that is given degree credit by the college should be compensated for that course on an hourly basis in accordance with the Adjunct and Hourly Professorial Rate provided in Article 24 of the PSC-CUNY contract.

Adjunct pay schedule:


CETs appointed to a position that will continue for a period of more than six months and requires them to teach a minimum of 20 hours per week are entitled to annual base pay additions, provided they are continuously employed in the appointment and provide full years of service.

The hourly rate increases by $1.35 per hour on the second, fourth, and sixth anniversary date of the initial qualifying appointment. (A year of service is 30 weeks of service with 30 hours worked per week, an annual total of 900 hours.)

CETs who meet the above guidelines and teach in the Math Start Program are entitled to increases of $1.35 per hour on their third and fifth anniversary date.


CETs who teach a course that receives degree credit should receive an Academic Report once a year from the Director of Continuing Education or their designee. The report should indicate whether services are satisfactory or unsatisfactory
and provide reasons for unsatisfactory services. A CET may attach a response to the report.

These Academic Reports do not apply to CETs who also are either full-time or adjunct teaching staff at the college. In those instances, the director should have access to the CET’s college personnel file.


If a CET is appointed to a position that will continue for more than six months and requires them to teach a minimum of 20 hours per week, a choice of health plans is available through the New York City Health Benefits Program.

If a CET is eligible for health insurance, they are eligible for benefits through the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund, including prescription drugs, dental and vision coverage. For any questions about health coverage, contact the college Human Resources office or the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund:


If a CET is eligible for health insurance but chooses not to enroll in an employer plan, they are entitled to an annual lump-sum payment called a buyout waiver. To apply for this buyout waiver, go to the college’s HR office.


If a CET loses their health insurance because they no longer meet the eligibility criteria, they may maintain benefits under COBRA, the federal law which allows a person to pay the cost themselves for up to 18 months. College HR offices have the monthly COBRA premium rate.


During the academic year, CETs who are non-reappointed
or have had their hours reduced may apply for partial Unemployment Insurance (UI), if their total income from all employment totals less than $504 per week and they work less than 31 hours per week. They may be eligible for UI benefits during the winter and summer break, but different rules apply for the intersessions, relating to if they have a “reasonable assurance of work” in the following term or academic year.

CETs should immediately request from their college HR the college’s record of employment letter and the notification to employees for separation or hours reduction letter once they are non-reappointed or have had a reduction in hours. These documents can be useful in supporting a UI application.

For questions and guidance about a particular UI situation,
call the Workers’ Defense League at (212) 627-1931.


CETs appointed to a position that will continue for a period of more than six months and requires them to teach a minimum of 20 hours per week are entitled to 14 days of sick leave per year – or a prorated portion of one day for every 64 hours of service – which can accrue up to a maximum of 28 days. Up to three days of accrued sick leave annually can be used to care for an ill family member. Eligible employees should check with their program directors to be sure that an accurate record of accrual and use is being maintained.


New York State law authorizes paid sick leave for precautionary order or quarantine due to COVID-19. This benefit is not available for employees who are physically able to work remotely. Leave is up to 10 working days of paid sick leave at the employee’s regular rate of pay and can be used a maximum of three times from October 1, 2021.

CETs should be paid for the number of hours they would have normally been scheduled to work. A positive COVID-19 test is required for a second or third period of isolation/quarantine. Employees are not required to use their existing sick leave for COVID-19 sick leave.


New York State’s Paid Family Leave (PFL) program offers paid, job-protected time off to bond with a new child, care for a family member with a serious health condition (including COVID-19), or assist one’s family if a member is deployed on active military service outside the U.S. A small deduction is taken from your paycheck to cover the program.

A CET who works 20 hours or more per week is eligible for PFL once they have completed 26 weeks of employment. If they work fewer than 20 hours per week, they are eligible after 175 days of employment. PFL provides 12 weeks of leave. For example, if a CET works three days per week, they are entitled to 36 days of PFL that are taken in one-day increments and to 12 weeks of PFL if the leave is taken in whole weeks. (For CETs who work three days per week, the PFL wage replacement benefit will be based on three days per week.)

Employees on PFL are paid are paid 67% of their average weekly wage up to a cap of 67% of the statewide average weekly wage (SAWW). The SAWW is calculated annually by New York State. For 2024, the SAWW is $1,718.15. The maximum Employees on PFL are paid 67% of their average weekly wage, weekly benefit is 67% of this amount, or $1,151.16.

CETs are responsible for notifying the college that they intend to apply for PFL benefits. If the request is foreseeable, they must provide the college HR office with at least 30 days’ notice. If the event or reason for the leave is not foreseeable, they must notify the college as soon as practical. All employees should follow their department procedures and keep their department chairs informed of their plans for the use of PFL.

Paid Family Leave FAQs:


The Adjunct-CET Professional Development Fund provides reimbursement grants of up to $3,000 to Adjuncts and CETs
who meet certain eligibility requirements and are also not a
CUNY retiree or full-time employee. Acceptable uses for the funds, eligibility information, reimbursement details, and the online application are on the grant guidelines website. A committee, appointed by the PSC, decides who receives
the grants.

Adjunct-CET Professional Development Fund:


CETs may be covered by Workers’ Compensation for on-the-job injuries. Call the local district office at 1-800-877-1373 for more information.


All CETs must be paid their regular salary for jury duty and give CUNY any pay they receive for serving.


CETs who are appointed for at least six weeks have library privileges on their campus.


CETs can voluntarily enroll in a pension plan. They can join the New York City Employees Retirement System (NYCERS) pension program. If a CET has worked at least 30 hours per week for six months or more, they can join the Teachers Retirement System (TRS) pension program.

CETs who begin work at other CUNY campuses must inform each campus HR of their pension enrollment and request that deductions be made. They should check their statement regularly to make sure deductions are occurring.
Various tax-deferred annuity programs are also available to CETs. Consult with your college HR office about eligibility.

Various tax-deferred annuity programs are also available to CETs. Consult with your college HR office about eligibility.


If a union member is called into a meeting with management that could lead to disciplinary action, they have the right to union representation.

They may assert this right before or during any meeting with a management representative, such as a director of continuing education, dean, or affirmative action officer. At that point, the management representative must either delay and reschedule the meeting until a union representative is available, deny the request and end the meeting, or give them an opportunity to choose to have the meeting without a union representative.


A complaint is an informal claim by an employee or the PSC
of improper, unfair, arbitrary or discriminatory treatment. A complaint may, but need not, constitute a grievance and is processed through an informal procedure.

A grievance is an allegation by an employee or the PSC that there has been a breach of the contract or the CUNY bylaws.

A grievance must be filed within 30 working days of when an employee or the PSC first becomes aware of a violation, but grievances relating to appointment/non-reappointment must
be filed within 30 working days of the scheduled date of notification. The 30-day timeline excludes weekends and legal holidays in NY State.

Call the PSC office at (212) 354-1252 to speak to an adjunct grievance counselor or contact a campus-based adjunct grievance counselor.

Adjunct grievance counselors:

Updated: 8/2024

Published: August 19, 2024

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