The CUNY Mayor Cuts CUNY Again | Defenses of Academic Freedom
AFT & AAUP Reaffirm Academic Freedom in Times of Strife The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Executive Council passed a resolution last week: Condemning Hate and Affirming Freedom of Speech on Campus. Read the full resolution, which, among other things, resolves: “that the AFT will call on college and…
Union Members Say ‘Time Is Now’ for Fair Contract
More than 30,000 CUNY faculty and staff members have been working without a contract since February. Now, their union, The Professional Staff Congress, or PSC-CUNY, is gearing up for a day of action starting at Governor Kathy Hochul’s NYC office on December 2.
Lehman College faculty ask president for fair contract
Union faculty and adjuncts held a rally on Lehman College campus last Thursday where they delivered a petition for a “fair” contract to President Fernando Delgado. The rally at Lehman was one of three Professional Staff Congress City University of New York union demonstrations held on the same day with…
Celebrations and Negotiations
PSC-CUNY union members at three Bronx campuses delivered petitions to their college presidents to demand a new contract.
Scandal-Plagued Corrupt Mayor Eric Adams Denounced For Pushing Harmful Budget Cuts
Amid growing investigations by the FBI and the Manhattan DA into corruption in his administration, Mayor Eric Adams is proposing 5% across-the-board budget cuts, despite the City holding $9 billion in reserves and skepticism about the Mayor’s claims about the total fiscal impact of asylum seeker support.
CUNY faculty, staff demand fair contract at campuses across the Bronx
Faculty and staff at CUNY colleges across the Bronx rallied for a fair contract Thursday. Around 30,000 professors, faculty and graduate students across the CUNY system have been working without a union contract since February. Negotiations are ongoing.
Bargaining Update 9 | The Chancellor Must Stand for Free Speech
Bargaining Update #9 At the Oct. 26 bargaining session, with 35 members observing, the PSC presented critical demands related to educational technology & distance learning. CUNY management presented demands to expand the number of non-tenure track full-time positions and the duration of their appointments, to remove protections from contractual disciplinary…
Stand for Freedom of Speech and Assembly at CUNY
Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY Saturday, December 2, 1–3 PM Tell Us You Will Be There CUNY has been underfunded for too long, and budget cuts, understaffing and uncompetitive pay have been the results. Come Sing Out for increased CUNY funding at the Governor's Midtown office and Shout Out…
City Workers Ditch Unions, Skip Dues, Following Supreme Court Ruling
City payroll records obtained by THE CITY suggest union enrollment has slipped since a Supreme Court ruling that allows government workers to opt out of membership. Between 2018 and 2022, membership went down nearly 8% among city employee unions, outpacing a decline of 5.1% in the number of full-time employees…
Sing Out, Shout Out | Bargaining Update 8
Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY Saturday, December 2, 1–3 PM Tell Us You'll Be There Make plans now to attend the biggest CUNY-wide contract campaign action of the Fall: Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY, a resounding call for a better CUNY. Our great public university has been…