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Home » About Us » Who We Are » Adjunct Liaison Leadership Program

Adjunct Liaison Leadership Program

The PSC membership recently approved a new contract, with effective dates from 2023 through 2027. We are working to update our website content to fully reflect the gains made in the new agreement as quickly as possible.

Summary of New Contract

New Memorandum of Agreement

2017-2023 Contract (pdf)

The PSC’s Adjunct Liaison Leadership Program trains adjunct activists in many types of work that are essential to our union’s vision. The program is intended to grow the PSC’s base of part-time member-leaders who have the skills and confidence necessary to organize coworkers and fellow union members to build our collective power.

Participants in the program have an experienced mentor and attend  monthly training sessions. They  sign up new union members, join meetings of the Committee for Adjuncts and Part-Timers (CAP), participate in their chapter’s Campus Action Team (CAT) meetings to advance the union’s contract campaign, and more.


Youngmin Seo, koreatimescnj@gmail.com

Allison Gorr, agorr@hotmail.com

Jeremiah Perez-Torres, pereztorresjeremiah@gmail.com

Katie Albany, kealbany@gmail.com

Hemalatha Navaratne, hnavarat@gmail.com

David Hatchett, dhat8758@aol.com


Anestoria Shalkowski, ashalkowski@aol.com

Bianca Johnson, bfaithjohnson@gmail.com

Audrey Lindsey, audrey.l.m.lindsey@gmail.com

Jasmina Sinanovic, jasmina.sinanovic@gmail.com

Laura Stephens, lescpo@yahoo.com

Tim Cusack, tpcflip@gmail.com