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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (3.5.12): Thursday, March 8 Town Hall Meeting on Pathways

Mar 06, 2012

Thursday, March 8: Town Hall Meeting on Pathways

Opposition to Pathways, CUNY’s top-down overhaul of general education, is growing across the University. It’s time to reset decision-making on curriculum change! Come to the PSC Town Hall Meeting on Pathways, on Thursday, March 8: hear updates on the union’s litigation, a petition campaign and other avenues for getting Pathways reevaluated and repealed.

Everyone understands the importance of facilitating student transfer at CUNY, but Pathways is not the answer. We can find better answers through our elected faculty governance bodies. Speak out for an alternative by coming to the Town Hall Meeting on March 8 at 6:00 p.m., at 40 East 35th Street. Sign up here to come. Click here for a flier to circulate in your department.

Petitions on Pathways, addressed to the CUNY Board of Trustees, will be available at the Town Hall Meeting Thursday and on the PSC website tomorrow. For quick updates on the PSC and Pathways, follow #PSCpathways on Twitter.

March 14: Public university faculty, staff & students meet legislators in Albany

Join the grassroots lobbying push in Albany on March 14 for increased funds for public higher education, a joint effort of the PSC, student groups and SUNY’s United University Professions. It’s a statewide Higher Education Action Day, a one-day bus trip with transportation provided. CUNY faculty and staff can contact Amanda Magalhaes (by e-mail, or at 212-354-1252 x221) to sign up to participate. CUNY students can sign up by stopping by their local student government or NYPIRG office.

On March 6, twenty-five PSC members will be meeting with legislators to press for the union’s budget priorities, and on Friday, March 9, PSC community college chapter chairs will testify at City Hall in support of increased City funding.

Close corporate tax loopholes

To boost funding for CUNY and other vital public services, the PSC and allies in the labor/community coalition 99% New York are urging legislators to close corporate tax loopholes worth $1 billion a year. It’s time for corporations, real estate partnerships and hedge fund managers to pay their fair share: download a flyer to distribute on your campus here.

Fast Times at Labor Goes to the Movies

On Friday, March 9, at 6:00 p.m., Labor Goes to the Movies presents Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Discussion after will look at how gender and genre intersect in this classic “high school movie.” More info on the PSC website.

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!