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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (11.29.18): Get a Contract Now! Poster for Your Office Door or Workspace

Jan 02, 2019

Read the latest Contract Bargaining Update
Get a Contract Now! Poster for Your Office Door or Workspace

Do your part to help make our union’s contract demands even more visible on campus. Contact your chapter chair today to request one of 11 contract campaign posters to hang on your office door or in your workspace. Every poster says “Contract Now!” and “We Demand Raises and Respect.” Eleven different demands are featured on the posters including “Competitive Faculty Salaries,” “A Fair Chance for HEO Advancement,” “$7k for Adjuncts,” and “A Fully Funded Contract.” Posters should be on campuses this week.

2019 PSC Elections

Seventeen PSC chapters are scheduled to hold elections in the spring of 2019. They will elect chapter officers, delegates and alternates to the PSC Delegate Assembly, along with representatives to the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Advisory Council. Candidate Declaration forms are available at the PSC office and here on the PSC website. To vote in the Spring 2019 PSC elections, you must have signed a PSC membership card before December 3, 2018. Only members can vote in union elections or contract ratification votes. The deadline for filing the Candidate Declaration form is January 11, 2019. Click here for the list of chapters that will hold elections, the election rules and other deadlines.

Delivering the PSC’s Contract Petition

Last week members of the PSC Committee of Adjuncts and Part-timers and President Barbara Bowen delivered copies of PSC-CUNY’s contract petition with more than 6,000 signatures to the office of CUNY’s Central Administration. Click here to watch a video of the petition delivery on Facebook. The petitions were accepted by Pamela Silverblatt, CUNY’s Sr. Vice Chancellor for Labor Relations. The petition demands that the Board of Trustees include in the University Budget Request full funding for a fair PSC-CUNY contract and funding for $7K per course for CUNY’s adjuncts. The budget request is usually public by this point in the year. It has not yet been released.

Reappointment Notification Deadlines for Adjuncts and Full-Time Faculty—Dec. 1

For full-time faculty (excluding lecturers) in their second and subsequent years of service, lecturers in their third and subsequent years of service, and adjuncts appointed by semester, written notification of reappointment/non-reappointment must be received by 12/1/18. Grievances on this issue must be filed by 1/17/19. If you are due notice of reappointment/non-reappointment by the December 1 deadline and do not receive it or if you are notified that you have been denied reappointment, please notify your chapter grievance counselor immediately. Here is a list of PSC’s chapter contract enforcement officers. Grievance counselors can also be contacted at the PSC central office (212-354-1252). Under the terms of the PSC contract, grievances relating to non-reappointment must be filed within 30 days, excluding Saturday, Sundays and legal holidays, of the scheduled dates of notification.

Add Your Name to CUNY Rising’s Fund CUNY ASAP Petition

The PSC and dozens of other organizations are partnering through the CUNY Rising Alliance to build public and political support for increased investment in CUNY to fund truly free and quality public higher education. This petition calls on Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio to make CUNY’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs and Accelerate Complete Engage initiatives (ASAP and ACE) available to all CUNY students, so all students can benefit from smaller classes, high-contact advisement, as well as free tuition, books and MetroCards. Please add your name and help spread the word about the petition.

CUNY Retirees Still Waiting For their Raises from the Last Contract

Scores of recent PSC retirees have waited more than two years for CUNY payroll to provide data so that the NYC Teachers Retirement System (TRS) can calculate their monthly retirement benefits based on back pay from the 2010-17 PSC-CUNY contract. The retiree chapter is organizing testimony at the CUNY Board of Trustees hearing on Monday, December 3 to shame CUNY for this inexcusable delay. To find out how, if you are one of affected retirees, you can testify and/or join in support, go to Retirees welcome support from all PSC members, whether in-service or retired.

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