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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (11.15.11): Occupy Foley Square and March to Keep the Movement Strong

Nov 15, 2011

This Thursday, Occupy Foley Square and March to Keep the Movement Strong

The Occupy Wall Street protestors regrouped this morning at Foley Square, the site of this Thursday’s 99% Day of Action, after being forcibly removed from Zuccotti Park late last night. The Occupy movement could be the start of a new era in American politics. Be a part of history; help keep the movement going by taking part in Thursday’s action.

Plans for the national day of action to demand economic justice are still growing and developing. The New York City version will culminate with a march from Foley Square to the Brooklyn Bridge. The march will be a peaceful, permitted demonstration. Our members will meet and pick up signs this Thursday, November 17 at the intersection of Broadway and Worth Street at 5:00 PM, before proceeding to Foley Square. Bring your students, your colleagues, your families. March with us to show labor’s support for the occupy movement. March with us to demand full funding of CUNY, a renewal of the NYS millionaires’ tax and an end to policies that that have enriched the 1% and impoverished the 99%.

Earlier in the day, people’s assemblies will be held near subway stations around the boroughs, and the organizers of the march are also planning several civil disobedience actions. Contact Deirdre Brill if you are interested in being trained and participating in a planned act of civil disobedience.

Preparing for the Nov. 21 Board Hearing

The CUNY Board of Trustees will hear testimony on the University’s annual budget request, including funds for adjunct health insurance, proposed tuition hikes, and a major revision of the University Bylaws at a hearing next Monday evening, November 21. The hearing is scheduled to begin at 5:00 PM in room 14-220 of the Baruch Vertical Campus (55 Lexington Ave.). Members who wish to testify must sign up with the Board Secretary at (212) 794-5450 by Friday, November 18 at 4:30 PM. Members who want to testify specifically about the importance of adjunct health insurance should also email PSC Communications Coordinator Fran Clark.

Testimony from President Barbara Bowen and other PSC officers will address the PSC’s concerns about the Bylaws and the CUNY budget request including the critical need for full funding for the adjunct health insurance benefit, as well as other issues before the Board.

Tell Congress: Hands Off the Safety Net!

Congress’s “Super Committee” is meeting in Washington right now, and their report will be released November 23rd. Their plans could increase economic insecurity and reduce access to health care for millions of Americans. As workers, we’ve earned our network of benefits, and we must fight to keep them. Please send this Act Now letter to your representatives in Congress. Tell them, hands off the social safety net!

See Defending the Social Safety Net: A Call to Action to learn more about the campaign.

Read Clarion Online

An update on contract negotiations, the adjunct health insurance campaign, and the union’s planned lawsuit against CUNY’s “Pathways” initiative to overhaul general education and transfer requirements are all covered in the latest issue of Clarion. PSC members’ assistance to Occupy Wall Street and the growing partnership between labor and the Occupy movement are detailed too, along with the NYPD’s spying on Muslim CUNY students. Read it all online.

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!