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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (02.16.12): Townhall Meeting on Pathways

Feb 23, 2012

Opposing Pathways: Protecting Faculty Governance and the Quality of a CUNY Degree

Save the date! PSC will hold a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, March 8 from 6:00-8:30pm on Pathways, CUNY’s controversial overhaul of general education and transfer requirements, which circumvents elected faculty input and dilutes academic standards. Hear from faculty throughout the university on the fight to defend faculty governance, academic freedom and quality education. The location is the Community Church of New York, 40 E. 35th St. (between Park and Madison Aves.) Check the PSC website for more information.

Come Lobby with CUNY Students on March 14.

No investment offers New York more benefit—economically, culturally, intellectually—than funding for public higher education. That is why PSC, New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), University Student Senate and United University Professions are partnering again to mount a statewide Student-Faculty-Staff Higher Education Action Day in Albany on Wednesday, March 14. Faculty and staff contact Amanda Magalhaes to sign up to participate. CUNY students can sign up by stopping by their local student government or NYPIRG office.

Other advocacy days in Albany are scheduled for March 5-6, March 19-20 and May 21-22, and PSC members are meeting with lawmakers in their districts throughout the semester. Transportation, food and housing costs for these Albany trips are covered by our statewide affiliate, NYSUT. Contact Amanda Magalhaes to sign up to participate.

NYS AFL-CIO Launches Statewide Ad Campaign Opposing Pension Cutbacks.

Last week the NYS AFL-CIO launched a substantial statewide radio ad campaign opposing Governor Cuomo’s proposal to create Tier 6 — a new, woefully inadequate retirement plan for public employees. As the ad points out, “It’s time to rebuild the middle class, not attack what’s left of it.” The ad, which will run in every media market across the state, calls on workers to take action to stop the attack on the middle class. To download the ad, click here. PSC succeeded in keeping our members in Tier 4 when Tier 5 went into effect two years ago. The proposed cutback would increase employee pension contributions, decrease employer contributions and raise the retirement age. Click here to link to the press release and audio. Take action to stop this pension cutback through NYSUT’s new Member Action Center.

AFT Endorses President Obama for Re-Election.

The AFT Executive Council has voted to endorse Barack Obama for president in 2012. According to PSC Vice-President and Legislative Director Steve London, “President Obama’s reelection is very important to maintaining the social safety net, increasing funding for jobs, continuing progressive appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, and protecting Pell grants and low-interest loans for our students. While we have disagreed with President Obama, in particular on aspects of his education policy, we believe—compared to the likely alternatives—his Administration provides the space for movements to organize and push the Administration in a more progressive direction.”

Demand Release of the Jailed Leader of the Teachers’ Union in Bahrain.

AFT, PSC’s national affiliate, has joined an international campaign to demand the release of Mahdi Abu Dheeb, President of the Bahraini Teachers Association, who is currently held without bail in the notorious Jaw prison. The prison has a history of human rights violations. President Dheeb and Vice President Jalila Al-Salman were sentenced to ten and three years’ imprisonment, respectively, after calling for a teachers’ strike during the civil uprisings for democracy.

Vice-President Al-Salman has been released on bail as she awaits her appeal. President Dheeb’s requests to be released on bail and to receive the medical help he urgently needs have been denied. The appeals hearing has been adjourned to February 19, 2012, thereby prolonging President Dheeb’s detention. Sign the petition demanding that President Dheeb be released on bail. To take further action to end the violations against teachers, unionists, and students in Bahrain, click here.

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