We’ve Moved!
As of August 2022, the PSC’s new address is 25 Broadway, 9th Floor, NY, NY 10004. Our phone number and other contact information has not changed. For more information see the Visit Us/Contact Us page.
PSC Members Join Governor Hochul to Tout Part-time TAP
The PSC principal officers and rank and file PSC members joined Governor Hochul, legislators, university administrators and CUNY students at BMCC, Thursday, August 18 to celebrate New York’s new part-time Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). It’s part of a multi-year plan to reinvest in CUNY. Read more.
President Biden’s Loan Forgiveness
PSC President James Davis released the following statement in response to the Biden Administration’s student debt relief plan: “President Biden’s move to cancel up to $10,000 in student loan debt (up to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients) is a critical step toward relieving the burden on many Americans who pursued a degree to better their lives. One in four CUNY students who graduate with a Bachelor’s degree is saddled with student loan debt averaging $16,000. The majority of CUNY’s indebted graduates will likely benefit from the President’s action. We thank the AFT, our national affiliate, for their leadership on canceling student debt. Because there are many borrowers for whom this initiative does not go nearly far enough, we will continue to press for a more just and expansive debt forgiveness program.”
For more details on the Biden student debt relief and the campaign to make it happen read Student debt relief finally in sight, AFT, and listen to A New Plan for Student Loans, The Daily podcast, NY Times.
August NYS Primary Election Results
PSC members built power by phone banking, canvassing, fundraising, and voting for candidates who will fight for real investment in public higher education and the New Deal for CUNY!
State Senator Andrew Gounardes (SD26), prime sponsor of the New Deal for CUNY, held off his challenger and won his primary election. State Senator Robert Jackson (SD31) also held off his challenger to win his primary election. In both races, PSC members phone banked and canvassed to send them back to Albany to continue the fight for the New Deal for CUNY! PSC members also called and texted for Senators Rivera, Brisport, and Cleare in their reelection bids, all of which were successful. For more analysis on the election results click here!
The General Election is Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The early voting period starts on Saturday, October 29, 2022.
Adjunct Pay Dates
For the Fall 2022 semester, teaching adjuncts are scheduled to be paid on eight successive pay dates at two-week intervals. At the senior colleges, the first pay date will be Sept. 8 and the last pay date will be Dec. 15. At most community colleges, the first pay date will be Sept. 2 and the last pay date will be Dec. 9. Kingsborough CC, LaGuardia CC and Guttman CC operate on an academic calendar with different pay dates starting on September 30. All pay dates are listed here.
March with the PSC to Celebrate Labor Day and the PSC's 50th Anniversary
RSVP to join us on Saturday, September 10 as we march with the PSC’s 50th Anniversary banner in the annual NYC Labor Day Parade. The parade route goes up Fifth Avenue from 44th Street to 64th Street. PSC members will gather beginning at 12:15PM on West 47th Street between 5th Avenue & 6th Avenue. The PSC will step off at about 1:15 PM. Bring family, colleagues and friends, and wear your PSC gear if you have it!

50th Anniversary Picnic
PSC members, family, friends and pets gathered at Prospect Park in Brooklyn on Sunday, August 28 for a potluck picnic marking the union's golden anniversary.