Bargaining Update 7 | Sick Leave Bank
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank Open Enrollment Period: Oct. 1-31 This is a PSC-CUNY contractual program. It is different from the similarly named Catastrophe Major Medical supplemental insurance offered by NYSUT Member Benefits. CUNY’s Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank is a pool of voluntarily donated sick leave and annual leave available…
Bargaining Update 6 | Mass Online Contract Meeting 9/28
Bargaining Update #6 The PSC bargaining team was joined by 50 members Wednesday, September 6 for the sixth session with CUNY management. President James Davis shared four of the union’s proposals for salary equity relating to Continuing Education Teachers, College Laboratory Technician titles, Adjunct Lecturers, and Assistant to Higher Education…
Fall Strategic Action Plan | Observe Bargaining
NYC Labor Day Parade March with the PSC this Saturday, September 9 This Saturday’s Labor Day Parade is an opportunity to show our union’s solidarity and strength as we begin another semester of contract negotiations with CUNY. We need you there to march for our new contract! Your friends and…
Bargaining Update 5 | Join Us for the NYC Labor Day Parade
Bargaining Update #5 In its August 22 session with CUNY, the PSC bargaining team – joined by a dozen PSC members observing – began with a rejoinder to CUNY’s August 8 overview of their bargaining agenda. President Davis indicated the union’s willingness to review proposals from CUNY management but expressed…
Great News about Retiree Health Care | Picket Lines & Marches
Historic News in our Fight to Ensure High-quality Health Coverage for NYC Retirees On Friday, August 11, Justice Lyle Frank issued a ruling in New York State Supreme Court permanently blocking the City from removing retired City workers and their dependents from their current health insurance plans and forcing…
Picket with SAG-AFTRA | Celebrate Medicare | Support the Brooklyn College Women’s Center
Member Benefits: Catastrophe Major Medical Plan to Offer Limited-Time Open Enrollment The Catastrophe Major Medical Plan, sponsored by the Member Benefits program of our statewide affiliate NYSUT, will offer an open enrollment from September 8, 2023 to October 13, 2023 -- with an effective date of January 1, 2024.…
Monday Contract Actions | Open Forum on Racism and Anti-racism at CUNY
Picketing and Leafleting Action 100 Wall Street – 9 AM, Monday, June 5 It’s been three months since our contract expired, and CUNY management has yet to respond to our repeated calls to begin negotiations. It’s inexcusable and disrespectful to all PSC members. Monday, June 5, we’re taking our…
Pensions Lawsuit | Remote Work Agreement | Research Foundation Strike Authorization
Remote Work Agreement Extended Through Next June A message went out Monday informing HEOs, CLTs, faculty librarians, and others that the PSC has secured an agreement with CUNY to extend the remote work agreement through June 30th, 2024. The agreement provides a framework for agreements between workers and supervisors…
Support for Adjuncts | 100s Rally for City Investment in CUNY
Adjunct Letters of Appointment and Non-Reappointment The deadline by which CUNY adjuncts were required to receive a letter of reappointment or non-reappointment was Monday, May 15. If you are an adjunct who has not received a letter, please notify the union. If you have been notified that you have…
$100M in New State Funds for CUNY | Big Events to Stop NYC Cuts
Over $100 Million in New State Operating Funds for CUNY “By rejecting tuition hikes for in-state undergraduates, increasing the operating budget allocation by more than $100 million, including more than a billion dollars in new capital funding and explicitly committing to funding increases for CUNY for two years, the…