This Week in the PSC (11.29.18): Get a Contract Now! Poster for Your Office Door or Workspace
Read the latest Contract Bargaining Update Get a Contract Now! Poster for Your Office Door or Workspace Do your part to help make our union’s contract demands even more visible on campus. Contact your chapter chair today to request one of 11 contract campaign posters to hang on your office…
This Week in the PSC (10.30.18): Telling the Board of Trustees to Aim Higher
Barbara Bowen to the Board of Trustees: “Aim Higher!” At a meeting of the CUNY Board of Trustees held last night at Baruch College, PSC President Barbara Bowen urged the Board to take a public stand against the State’s practice of refusing to fund the ongoing costs of labor contracts.…
This Week in the PSC (10.09.18): Press the Presidents Petitions
Press the Presidents for a Fully Funded Contract with Increased Salaries for All and 7K for Adjuncts Seven PSC chapters are collecting signatures using online local petitions urging the presidents of their colleges to publicly support fair adjunct faculty pay of $7000 per course and increased salaries for all CUNY…
This Week in the PSC (10.05.18): 600 March on Wall St. Demanding Investment in CUNY and a Fair Contract
PSC to CUNY Board Chair: We Need a Fair Contract More than 600 CUNY faculty and staff marched through the Financial District last Thursday, September 27, to demand public investment in CUNY and a fair contract. Led by a brass band, PSC members picketed outside the NY Stock Exchange before…
This Week in the PSC (09.24.18): Contract Demo. Thurs., 4 PM | A Make-or-Break Election
Contract Demonstration—Thurs., Sept. 27, 4-6PM March from NY Stock Exchange to CUNY Board Chairman William Thompson’s Office PSC members will march this Thursday, Sept. 27, to the investment banking office of CUNY Board of Trustees chairperson William Thompson. Be there with us to call out Wall St. for hoarding wealth…
This Week in the PSC (09.12.18): Every Vote Will Matter in Thursday's Primary Election
State Primary Elections, Thurs., Sept. 13 Make a Plan to Vote New Yorkers will head to the polls this Thursday, September 13 to choose their party candidates for Governor, Attorney General and members of the Assembly and State Senate. The PSC and our statewide affiliate, NYSUT, have made no endorsement…
This Week in the PSC (09.05.18): Contract Demonstration Sept. 27 | Endorsements for 2018
Contract Demonstration, Thurs., Sept. 27, 4-6PM Financial District On Thursday, September 27 PSC members will gather for a contract demonstration at the NY Stock Exchange (corner of Wall St. and Broad St.). We will march through the Financial District to demand a fair contract and to protest the economic inequality…
This Week in the PSC (06.06.18): Contract Negotiations to Continue Through the Summer
Contract Negotiations to Continue Through the Summer The PSC bargaining team is aggressively pursuing contract negotiations throughout the summer. At the last bargaining session, the union presented comparative data on full-time faculty salaries regionally and nationally, revealing the lack of competitiveness of CUNY salaries. Upcoming sessions are expected to address…
This Week in the PSC (05.15.18): Tell Albany to Pass the Bill to Fund CUNY | Bargaining Session Today
Tell Albany to Pass the Bill to Adequately Fund CUNY CUNY Needs a Strong Maintenance of Effort Legislators in Albany are once again considering Maintenance of Effort (MOE) legislation that would begin to reverse the State’s record of underfunding the CUNY senior colleges. MOE bills have been passed twice with…
This Week in the PSC (05.08.18): Updates on teaching load reduction and $7K
PSC in the News Tom Watters, an adjunct faculty member in the English department at Brooklyn College, wrote an AFT Voices post that was recently shared throughout the country. It’s called “I can’t keep teaching for poverty wages.” Find Tom’s post, TV coverage of the recent $7K Advocacy Day and…