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This Week in the PSC

Actions at CUNY Central

May 06, 2024

National and State Labor Leaders Join Faculty and Staff at Protest to Demand ‘Hands Off CUNY Job Security!’

More than 100 leaders and activists representing 21 NYSUT locals and PSC members joined together on Thursday, May 2nd outside CUNY’s Midtown headquarters to demand that management back away from their attacks on job security and negotiate a fair contract. Video of the demonstration is posted here along with photos and the news release. Presidents Randi Weingarten of the American Federation of Teachers, Mario Cilento of the New York State AFL-CIO, Melinda Person of New York State United Teachers, Fred Kowal of United University Professions/SUNY and State Senate Labor Chair Jessica Ramos all added their voices to the PSC’s demand for a fair contract.

PSC President James Davis, President Weingarten and Senator Ramos also spoke forcefully at the demonstration in defense of students’ right to peacefully protest.



Fair Contract for All!
Protest Outside the Trustees Meeting
Monday, May 20, 4 PM

Escalating actions and growing numbers of PSC members out in the streets and speaking out on campus — that’s what it will take to win a fair contract by summer. Will you turn out Monday, May 20th for raises, pay parity and equity, job security, continued remote and flexible work, and gains for every PSC title? Will you turn out for a better education for our students and a better livelihood for ourselves and our families? To demand the respect that we’ve earned?

RSVP here or at the button below to tell us you’ll be at the Protest Outside the Trustees Meeting. Be there right before 4PM or come ASAP after work. Let’s hold the Board accountable for the anti-worker demands that CUNY’s bargaining team has put across the table, and press them – hard! – for a fair economic offer.

RSVP: MAY 20, 4 PM



PSC Civil Disobedience Training
TODAY, May 6, 6:30 PM, PSC Union Hall

In March 2016, 41 PSC members were arrested during a die-in in front of Gov. Cuomo’s office. They were there to demand increased investment in CUNY students and a fair contract for faculty and staff, who had worked six years without a raise. We hope that such an action will not become necessary during this round of bargaining.

Thus far, CUNY has failed to put forward a fair offer, nor have they withdrawn their regressive demands attacking our job security. If management does not withdraw their anti-union demands and make an acceptable economic package, the union may need to take more direct actions.

Join a training TODAY Monday, May 6 at 6:30 PM in the PSC Union Hall where we will prepare to safely and strategically risk arrest, if necessary, to advance our goals of fair pay, improved working conditions, all in defense of our students’ right to a quality education.



Observe Contract Bargaining

The next bargaining sessions are scheduled for Monday and Wednesday, May 13 and 15 in the PSC Union Hall. All dues-paying members are welcome to observe a bargaining session after completing an online orientation. If you have not yet attended an Orientation to PSC-CUNY Bargaining on Zoom, your next opportunity will be:

• Monday, May 13, 6:30-7:30pm. Register for the 5/13 Zoom.



 Election for Teacher-Member
of the Teachers’ Retirement Board

Wed and Thurs, May 8 – 9

A contested election will be held next Wednesday and Thursday, May 8 – 9 to elect the Teacher-Member of the Teachers’ Retirement Board for a term of three years, from May 2024 to May 2027. Faculty and staff who contribute to the Teachers’ Retirement System are eligible to vote. Online voting will be active from 9AM to 5 PM both days. If a contributor is unable to complete online voting from their location, they may come in-person to 65 Court Street, Room 200, Brooklyn, NY 11201 during voting hours, where they may vote electronically.

All individual contributors to the Teachers’ Retirement System are eligible to vote and should receive an email to their work email with instructions on how to vote electronically. The announcement from the Department of Education says all individual contributors will receive their link to the online election platform by Wednesday, May 8. Any questions about this election should be directed to [email protected].

Published: May 6, 2024

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!