Ad Campaign–CUNY Must Do Better
Professional Staff Congress Ad Campaign Says “CUNY Must Do Better” for Students and Communities of Color—and for Workers PSC Demands: No Cuts to Courses, No Layoffs! New York, NY – Under threat of deep City and State budget cuts with just two weeks remaining before possible mass layoffs…
PSC prepares for potential legal action against layoffs (redirect)
Dear PSC Members, Earlier today, the PSC legal counsel sent CUNY's legal counsel a formal request for information. The union is requesting the information in order to prepare for potential litigation, if necessary, concerning CUNY's use of federal stimulus funding during the coronavirus crisis. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief,…
PSC prepares for potential legal action against layoffs
Dear PSC Members, Earlier today, the PSC legal counsel sent CUNY's legal counsel a formal request for information. The union is requesting the information in order to prepare for potential litigation, if necessary, concerning CUNY's use of federal stimulus funding during the coronavirus crisis. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief,…
PSC Statement on the Murder of George Floyd
The members of the Professional Staff Congress join working people across the country and the world in condemning the state-sanctioned police violence that continues to terrorize—and is designed to terrorize—communities of color, especially African American communities. We grieve with the families and loved ones of George Floyd, Ahmaud…
Agreement on Adjunct Notification Date
Dear PSC Members, With thanks to the formidable PSC membership, I am pleased to announce that the PSC has reached an agreement with CUNY management to extend the deadline for notification of adjunct appointments for the fall semester to June 30, 2020. The agreement applies to non-teaching adjuncts…
Ad Campaign–Hurting CUNY Means Hurting Our Recovery
Professional Staff Congress Launches TV and Digital Ad Campaign Calling on CUNY Board and Chancellor to Stop Thousands of Faculty Layoffs, Protect Quality Education CUNY Must Use Millions of Dollars in Federal Aid to Protect Jobs New York, NY - On Monday, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), the…
Open Letter to Chairperson Thompson and Chancellor Matos Rodríguez
May 18, 2020 William C. Thompson, Jr. Chairperson, Board of Trustees The City University of New York Félix V. Matos Rodríguez Chancellor, The City University of New York 205 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 Dear Chairperson Thompson and Chancellor Matos Rodríguez: As the CUNY Board of…
Open Letter to Chairperson Thompson and Chancellor Matos Rodríguez
May 18, 2020 William C. Thompson, Jr. Chairperson, Board of Trustees The City University of New York Félix V. Matos Rodríguez Chancellor, The City University of New York 205 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 Dear Chairperson Thompson and Chancellor Matos Rodríguez: As the CUNY Board of…
Caravan to Stop Layoffs and Fund CUNY
Previous Pause Next Union Protests as Trustees Meet CUNY faculty and staff working the the PSC staged a mobile, socially distant protest throughout Midtown on Monday, May 18, the day of the CUNY Board of Trustees meeting. Riding in cars and well-spaced bicycles, the protestors traveled from CUNY’s…