Columbia, NYU could lose longstanding property tax exemption under new bill
Both Columbia University and New York University could be forced to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in property taxes if state legislators are able to revoke a longstanding property tax exemption held by the two private academic institutions. The bill – which will be presented on Tuesday in the…
Columbia and N.Y.U. Would Lose $327 Million in Tax Breaks Under Proposal
Under the plan, the universities, which do not pay property taxes, would have to make payments to the City University of New York.
Professor Spotlight: Professor Seo-Young Chu
Professor Seo-Young Chu stands in the collective spotlight of the English Department, where the dedication to student success and growth is valued. What sets Professor Chu apart is her teaching philosophy which seamlessly aligns with her trials and tribulations as a student and human — a relentless desire to fix…
Workers, advocates push for contract, increased funding at CUNY
Members of the Professional Staff Congress and education advocates rallied Saturday for a contract and increased funding for the City University of New York and railed against continuing cuts to the institution’s budget. PSC members, elected officials and students rallied outside of Governor Kathy Hochul’s office in Midtown at which…
1000+ Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY
More than one thousand (1000) workers, students and CUNY allies held a massive rally across from Governor Hochul’s Midtown Manhattan office dubbed the “Sing Out, Shout Out for #APeoplesCUNY.”
Hundreds of CUNY supporters demand more financial help in Midtown rally
There was a sea of red outside Governor Kathy Hochul's office in Midtown, Manhattan - a show of solidarity as hundreds of CUNY supporters demanded more financial help. "For the last two years, the governor and legislature has managed to - but we need to do better going forward," said…
Cops, schools, sanitation, EMS, libraries: spending cuts target every agency
New Yorkers will endure immediate reductions to library and sanitation services, have access to less preschool spots and see fewer cops on patrol in the coming months, according to city officials’ summary of budget cuts they have said are necessitated by spending on the migrant crisis and decreases in funding…
The CUNY Mayor Cuts CUNY Again | Defenses of Academic Freedom
AFT & AAUP Reaffirm Academic Freedom in Times of Strife The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Executive Council passed a resolution last week: Condemning Hate and Affirming Freedom of Speech on Campus. Read the full resolution, which, among other things, resolves: “that the AFT will call on college and…
Union Members Say ‘Time Is Now’ for Fair Contract
More than 30,000 CUNY faculty and staff members have been working without a contract since February. Now, their union, The Professional Staff Congress, or PSC-CUNY, is gearing up for a day of action starting at Governor Kathy Hochul’s NYC office on December 2.
Lehman College faculty ask president for fair contract
Union faculty and adjuncts held a rally on Lehman College campus last Thursday where they delivered a petition for a “fair” contract to President Fernando Delgado. The rally at Lehman was one of three Professional Staff Congress City University of New York union demonstrations held on the same day with…